On the contrary Dave an email running down XL foods
and doing nothing else would be as meaningless to
my consumers as the generic assurances of safety
coming from Ritz and the cattle organisations like
ABP and CCA.
My email was an explanation of the bacteria involved,
why it was in the headlines, the steps that the
processor we use takes to prevent it being a problem
in the meat that we sell. As such it was a personal
email between me as a food producer and our food
consumers and that relationship is one build on trust
and personal connection. I don't need to be spreading
that conversation to the general public because it's
nothing to do with you or them.
If it satisfies your idle curiosity the 2 lines in a 32 line
message that could be construed as negative towards
XL Foods/NB were as follows:
"XL Foods has a history of being a low
quality/maximizing profit outfit and that is reflected
throughout their organisation (they also own ranches,
cattle, feedlots, auction markets etc) where their
facilities are generally in run down condition and they
employ the lowest wage immigrant workers they can
Rush to their defence if you like but I believe these
facts to be correct and they are my opinion and we
are all allowed those the last time I checked.
Dave, I seem to remember you sending me a thank
you message a few years back when, in conjunction
with the NFU, I had a cow slaughtered to expose the
level of profiteering that was going on in the beef
processing sector at that time primarily due to NB's
influence. But I guess with your tactic support you
weren't really running anyone down then (well not
publicly anyway.)
and doing nothing else would be as meaningless to
my consumers as the generic assurances of safety
coming from Ritz and the cattle organisations like
ABP and CCA.
My email was an explanation of the bacteria involved,
why it was in the headlines, the steps that the
processor we use takes to prevent it being a problem
in the meat that we sell. As such it was a personal
email between me as a food producer and our food
consumers and that relationship is one build on trust
and personal connection. I don't need to be spreading
that conversation to the general public because it's
nothing to do with you or them.
If it satisfies your idle curiosity the 2 lines in a 32 line
message that could be construed as negative towards
XL Foods/NB were as follows:
"XL Foods has a history of being a low
quality/maximizing profit outfit and that is reflected
throughout their organisation (they also own ranches,
cattle, feedlots, auction markets etc) where their
facilities are generally in run down condition and they
employ the lowest wage immigrant workers they can
Rush to their defence if you like but I believe these
facts to be correct and they are my opinion and we
are all allowed those the last time I checked.
Dave, I seem to remember you sending me a thank
you message a few years back when, in conjunction
with the NFU, I had a cow slaughtered to expose the
level of profiteering that was going on in the beef
processing sector at that time primarily due to NB's
influence. But I guess with your tactic support you
weren't really running anyone down then (well not
publicly anyway.)