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What to Hell Happened to Alberta

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    Sean: I agree 100% with your approach.....and have been preaching it as much as possible within our group.
    I have zero use for the ABP....I respect some of the people within that group...but believe they have been duped.
    I really admire the "fire" in young guys like forage.....it gives me hope everything we do is not in vain!


      I won't hold my breath waiting and waiting for ABP to speak up. The president has already been approached and it is a wait and see attitude. Don't know how many times you have to hit him over the head with a slege hammer before he would actually wake up. The real answer was we have to review the Bill but it well take some time as we are so busy at the moment. The moments keep ticking by every time there is a serious issue that is going to impact property owners , I believe they are still digesting what happened to the manatory check off.


        Oh Randy - how little history is known in the New
        World. Lets try some recent stuff so that you don't
        have to dig too deep in the old grey matter.
        What about the people power protests of the early
        80s in Europe that convinced Governments to quit
        their nuclear proliferation policies which in turn
        turned the tide and brought the cold war to an end.
        Tell the 250,000 that rallied in London, 400,000 in
        Amsterdam and 500,000 in the Hague that they didn't
        achieve anything.
        Tell the handful of brave souls that backed Lech
        Walesa in the shipyard in Gdansk against the
        communist Government of Poland that their protest
        wouldn't achieve anything when it in fact was the
        instigator of a wider people power movement that
        eventually brought down the iron curtain and saw the
        Berlin wall fall.

        "He who forgets history is doomed to repeat it'
        George Santayana


          Ah yes grasshopp--- I mean grassfarmer...LOL History???? HMM...

          Cold war is over and there is now no chance of a nuclear holocaust hey. I am not quite sure why the Rockefeller's and the Rothschild's decided to hold things up at the time you are speaking about, ---- maybe a little too unpredictable, ---- could have got caught in the crossfire???...

          I am not suggesting that those 200 or 400 or 500,000 European protesters rallied in vain buddy. However, if you believe they did some good, do you really think that they were all called a bunch of useless apathetics; and that is why they turned out in force...LOL

          Heard a rather tasteless one today that may apply to this thread.

          Two Palestinian women were having a coffee.... One brought out pictures of her dead "martyred" sons. One 26 years old, one 24, and one 22. The other lady brought out her pictures, one 20 and one 18. The first woman sighed and said' "Ahh - they blow up so young these days".

          I guess it's all about "how" we choose to fight..........


            Your question was:

            "Have mass demonstrations ever truly worked to
            steer democracy in the past or even now"

            I provided some examples to prove that yes indeed
            they have worked all through history.


              Randy don't get side tracked with history if we let this Bill 2 slide by our children and grand children well be coming to the old folks lodge and asking us what were you thinking letting this go into law with out a fight. We well be part of history as the dumbest asses ever. Question ,just how many people in your neck of woods have even heard about Bill 2 . I was amazed that the calls I have made to friends the number that really didn't have much awareness.This has glided under the radar without the public being ill informed.


                forage: Don't forget they only revealed this bill two weeks ago. The actual rules and regulations haven't even been written......or so they tell us!
                The Environment Minister Dianna McQueen has stood up several times during debate and stated "landowners were fully consulted and were in full agreement"!
                To see what that consultation involved visit our website www.albertasurfacerights.com


                  Watching your province and the concerns with BILL 2.

                  Read your story on "consultation with landowners". This approach is used quite often and run into it steady with the Energy Company workshops like Enbridge Consultation with landowners or the national Energy Board's workshop and consultation with landowners when they are dealing with abandonment of pipelines.

                  Just a question ASRG. Was the facilitator at your meeting a Kerry Brown?? I have seen a couple of meetings now one in Calgary and one in Edmonton and this same type of facilitor shows up.

                  Starting a new post this morning and bringing more awareness of the new blog.

                  "PIPELINE OBSERVER"----it has some great updated articles with Keith Wilson on Bill 2, Bentley Alberta Landowners challanging a major pipeline project.


                    Sadie:I'm not sure who she was. During the "Alberta Property Rights Task force" I got to know one of the facilitators and she told me she was on contract at $1500/day....pretty good work if you can get it!
                    I'll be sure to check out the pipeline blog. Good luck on the pipeline removal thing.


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