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If this on the up & up?

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    If this on the up & up?

    I have some brush piles that have been burning
    for a month now. It appears the coyotes & wolves
    are using the piles as a camp fire to keep warm

    So environmentally speaking is this good or bad?

    A nice crisp -30 her today. Log haul starting early
    this year. Major logging going to go on this winter
    for a change.

    Allfarmer noticed you didn't have any comments on losing all your rights on Bill to busy watching coyotes I suppose. Are you northern boys really not interested in what the government is taking away from you. Maybe all that smoke from your brush fires has put up a smoke screen from reality.


      I took a 2 yr land agent program at Olds College
      Lived in Calgary one summer and did the crown
      sales for Pioneer Land Services. Been up and
      down all the fancy glass towers.

      Land owners / farmers had no real rights then...
      nearing 20 years ago.

      Land agents are paid by contract, they dont get
      leases signed they won't be working. So basically
      lie and make promises to the land owner say what
      ever it takes to get it signed. After a couple
      weeks of field work in Drayton Valley I walked
      away from that career.

      There is zero oilfield work in this area and I like it
      that way. Oilfield is number one in AB and it will
      always be that way. Everything else in Gov view
      is secondary.


        Semantics I suppose, call them what ever you want rights, privileges, re-courses, we had some ability to affect the outcome where our property was concerned including many that belonged or were part and parcel with a suite of statutory consents which can stack up to actually be a part of the value of property like a permit to operate some sort of business or a water licence. These things were severely eroded with ALSA and appear to be further eroded with Bill 2. Of course it isn't over until it's over and if we don't care about or ignore what is coming at us we do that at our own peril.


          In this area ....no rail lines....no power
          transmission lines...no pipelines....no oil
          wells.....no brand inspectors....very seldom do you
          see a police car...just this year we have a DOT
          officer but he likely won't stay more than a year.
          People leave their keys in their vehicles even in

          Alberta's last frontier


            I think we all knew Bill 2 was going to pass. It was kind of disheartening that Ken Hughes didn't allow even one amendment that would have given us a bit of hope.

            Danielle Smith and Joe Anglin met with CAPP and SEPAC last week to see if they would modify the bill enough to protect landowners....they refused.....said Bill 2 was exactly what they wanted!
            The opposition fought the good fight, took it as far as they could. That's what we asked them to do.

            Sean is right. The rules and regulations aren't written yet (or so they say), and yes they can be changed or modified on the whim of the cabinet.
            SRD Minister McQueen has already indicated the Surface Rights Act will be opened up in the spring session of the legislature. That will be when the "other shoe drops"!

            So far there isn't any outrage. The general population doesn't see any thing wrong with this bill and the vast majority of the farmers and ranchers haven't picked up on what this will mean for them. Maybe they just feel there isn't anything they can do.....like you can't fight city hall sort of deal!

            The only way to fight this sort of stuff is make it more trouble than it is worth....for both the companies who wrote the bill and the politicians who pushed it through!
            Do farmers and ranchers have that kind of will anymore? Time will tell.


              Allfarmer The smoke has not only fogged your sight but your brain. You are living in a dream world if you think oil and gas development won't come your way. Food for thought , or should I say oil for thought as you quoted is no. one. The reason we have no rights is well explained in your posting. Do nothing to prevent it. You were trained well in your land agent course,brain washed you enough to make you think the way you do. I really have to ask,if landowners didn't have any rights 20 years why would you want to buy land and have no rights? We are fighting like hell for what rights we have and don't get any support from all you X landmen, sure hope they don't set up a massive shale drilling sight 100 meters from your homestead and you find out you cann't do a damn thing about it.Maybe just maybe you well wake up and smell the coffee and realize maybe you should have got involved. Oh, forgot you cann't smell the coffee for the smoke.


                Allfarmer--I am glad you revealed your experience of the training at Olds College and the land agents course.

                When the Enbridge Alberta Clipper was being proposed and the CAEPLA movement from Ontario came west and showed us how to change negotiations on any linear project landowners eyes got opened. CAEPLA taught landowners how to work together and disallow the corrupt landagents of getting to us on a "ONE TO ONE" basis---DIVIDE AND CONQUER. During that time as a volunteer President of SAPL I took the intensive landagents course from Old's college, I know this is in Sask but on NEB regulated lines you can coach and offer advise to all landowners. The corrupt tactics I learnt taking the Land agents course helps me every day when I communicate with the NATIONAL ENERGY BOARD---(who is basically another form of corrupt land agents) and the land men from these Group 1 Energy Companies.

                The army of awareness is large now. CAEPLA will continue to work within AlBerta along any new proposed linear project. Linear projects of power lines are happening in Sask as well and landowners are hearing the success story of working together and catching on to the technique.

                There are alot of frustrated land agents in the countryside now.


                  I too took the land agent course at Olds college....although I was not the instructors favorite pupil! I was quite disgusted with the overt oil company bias displayed by the instructor and had no problem telling him so! I like to think I planted a few seeds of integrity in my fellow students!
                  No one should be fooled about who wrote Bill 2? Ken Hughes DID NOT write Bill 2.......it was written by CAPP. Ken Hughes is only the salesman.
                  Bill 2 throws the "rule of law" under the bus for the greed of the oil companies. Shameful!


                    In my mind one of the big drivers for this long term is Shallow gas. By streamlining things, opening up/adapting surface
                    rights, and working through the other land stewardship bills we can basically guarantee a long term assault on water with
                    no recourse when the price of gas comes up. Get prepared to light your kitchen tap.
                    I have a problem with giving rights away (especially surface rights) when I am the one paying for the surface. It is
                    different if I were not the owner. I am not that keen on what in essence becomes a forced sale if an energy company (or
                    utility, or other) comes along and wants to use/abuse my surface with no recourse. Of course we can argue about the
                    public good, for example land has been sequestered around the cities in AB, and for transportation corridors, and other
                    public use. This has usually involved a long and serious negotiation, although admittedly not everyone is happy with the
                    outcome of these events. This time around is different because it is for private use. Basically I think the argument is
                    summed up as the public benefits from the trickle down impact of the oil industry and public tax collection, and we can't
                    stop that "public" benefit. Make no mistake though this is very much about private industry and making a powerplay.
                    I would readily argue that my ability as a landowner to provide food, habitat, clean air and water, etc. has a far more
                    powerful/direct public benefit than an oil well does, but at this point in time I can't argue that the GDP or tax dollars
                    it produces is as great as our holy fathers in downtown Cowtown.


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