Yesterday, during question period, Alberta SRD/Environment minister Dianna McQueen, was asked about rules for hydro fracking.....specifically about base line water mapping....or lack of such mapping!
McQueen basically skirted the issue and threw in some misinformation about baseline mapping. She then went on to inform the questioner that after the new year she would be "consulting" with Albertans on water and hydro fracking the shales.
Now one thing we should all understand is this:
(a) the Crown owns all the water, including your water wells and dugouts.
(b) While you might indeed have a water license, under Bill 36, the government can cancel that license with zero compensation, consideration, or explanation.
(c)The South Saskatchewan River regional plan will be completed this year and in reality will be the blueprint for the remaining 5 other regional plans.
(d) Under the recently passed Bill 2, Alberta Environment will not regulate water for oil & gas developement. The new "super regulator" will make all the decisions. You will have no right to appeal any decisions related to your water.
(e) There are no well spacing restrictions on shale or coalbed.
(f) With the proposed amendments to the Surface Rights Act in the spring session, it is likely compensation for leases and right of ways will be arbitrary and "competitive".
(g) under Bill 24 (Carbon capture) there can not be any claims for underground trespass. Seismic will now be subject to a right of entry order.
The bottom line here is Alberta is in all probability, about to experience a "shale boom" comparable, at the very least, to the Bakken play in Saskatchewan, North Dakota, and eastern Montana!
The legislative changes introduced in the last three years will make Alberta the most attractive area in North America to drill and hydro frac the shales. It will be a feeding frenzy!
McQueen basically skirted the issue and threw in some misinformation about baseline mapping. She then went on to inform the questioner that after the new year she would be "consulting" with Albertans on water and hydro fracking the shales.
Now one thing we should all understand is this:
(a) the Crown owns all the water, including your water wells and dugouts.
(b) While you might indeed have a water license, under Bill 36, the government can cancel that license with zero compensation, consideration, or explanation.
(c)The South Saskatchewan River regional plan will be completed this year and in reality will be the blueprint for the remaining 5 other regional plans.
(d) Under the recently passed Bill 2, Alberta Environment will not regulate water for oil & gas developement. The new "super regulator" will make all the decisions. You will have no right to appeal any decisions related to your water.
(e) There are no well spacing restrictions on shale or coalbed.
(f) With the proposed amendments to the Surface Rights Act in the spring session, it is likely compensation for leases and right of ways will be arbitrary and "competitive".
(g) under Bill 24 (Carbon capture) there can not be any claims for underground trespass. Seismic will now be subject to a right of entry order.
The bottom line here is Alberta is in all probability, about to experience a "shale boom" comparable, at the very least, to the Bakken play in Saskatchewan, North Dakota, and eastern Montana!
The legislative changes introduced in the last three years will make Alberta the most attractive area in North America to drill and hydro frac the shales. It will be a feeding frenzy!