On the radio they were advertising some kind of grazing type workshop.Anyway the blurb that caught my ear was some expert was going to explain how you could reduce winter feed costs 40% by swath grazing.
Now I have never swath grazed. I always had a hard time figuring out how I could make any money at it.
Here are my numbers: First I assume if land is good enough to grow a swath grazing crop, it will also grow a regular crop? So I go out and rent an acre for how much? Around here the most popular option seems to be cash rent determined by 20 bu. barley so 20 X $5.25 = $105/acre. Now this is a high priced barley year, so maybe $4/bu would be better long term, so say $80?
A fairly general yield of 3 tons of feed (Alberta Ag site) at $60/ton= $180?
I assume to get that yield it’s going to take about 150-200 lbs of blended fertilizer? Say $50-60/acre? Fertilizer application $7/ac?
Seed costs 2 bu @ $7.50= $15? Custom seeding $22/ac? Swathing $13/ac? Some kind of weed control (pre burn or cheap broadleaf control) and application $20-25/ac?
Using the lower costs I get: $207 cost /acre? Or close to $70/ton? If I could buy hay delivered in my yard for $70 ton would I be better off?
Make no mistake when I bring in hay I am importing nutrients. When I am swath grazing I am just recycling nutrients. I believe a cow generates about $30 in nutrients over a 200 day feeding period? Surely that would pay for mechanically feeding her? I have not cost factored in the costs of electric fences or time to move cattle…….or how to keep them out in the open swath grazing in a wind at -40!
Quite frankly I can’t see a real big saving swath grazing? Certainly not 40%?
Now I have never swath grazed. I always had a hard time figuring out how I could make any money at it.
Here are my numbers: First I assume if land is good enough to grow a swath grazing crop, it will also grow a regular crop? So I go out and rent an acre for how much? Around here the most popular option seems to be cash rent determined by 20 bu. barley so 20 X $5.25 = $105/acre. Now this is a high priced barley year, so maybe $4/bu would be better long term, so say $80?
A fairly general yield of 3 tons of feed (Alberta Ag site) at $60/ton= $180?
I assume to get that yield it’s going to take about 150-200 lbs of blended fertilizer? Say $50-60/acre? Fertilizer application $7/ac?
Seed costs 2 bu @ $7.50= $15? Custom seeding $22/ac? Swathing $13/ac? Some kind of weed control (pre burn or cheap broadleaf control) and application $20-25/ac?
Using the lower costs I get: $207 cost /acre? Or close to $70/ton? If I could buy hay delivered in my yard for $70 ton would I be better off?
Make no mistake when I bring in hay I am importing nutrients. When I am swath grazing I am just recycling nutrients. I believe a cow generates about $30 in nutrients over a 200 day feeding period? Surely that would pay for mechanically feeding her? I have not cost factored in the costs of electric fences or time to move cattle…….or how to keep them out in the open swath grazing in a wind at -40!
Quite frankly I can’t see a real big saving swath grazing? Certainly not 40%?