I doubt any of the big feedlots are getting rich on the government handouts. Maybe surviving! I don't know about you but I'm awful grateful to have a Cor Vanray or a Rick Pascal in Alberta! Sure they're in it to make a buck...isn't that how it's supposed to be?
Rick Pascal has done more to get the message out about this crisis that Klein, Van Clief, and Chretien combined!
If you know Rick you should realize he is pretty dedicated to the Canadian cattle industry.
What I was trying to get across is if feedlot alley goes we are at the mercy of the Americans. And that goes for our grain farmers too! They need feedlot alley as much or more than the cow/calf guy! The only real feed barley market we have. When the crow went feed grain, in reality, lost its ability to find a viable export market, except perhaps to the U.S.
Perhaps we could all turn into little cattle feeders again. I don't know about you but somehow I just don't relish that thought all that much.
Rick Pascal has done more to get the message out about this crisis that Klein, Van Clief, and Chretien combined!
If you know Rick you should realize he is pretty dedicated to the Canadian cattle industry.
What I was trying to get across is if feedlot alley goes we are at the mercy of the Americans. And that goes for our grain farmers too! They need feedlot alley as much or more than the cow/calf guy! The only real feed barley market we have. When the crow went feed grain, in reality, lost its ability to find a viable export market, except perhaps to the U.S.
Perhaps we could all turn into little cattle feeders again. I don't know about you but somehow I just don't relish that thought all that much.