I suppose you are right. It's interesting when you talk about the future of agriculture and I do agree we need to take care of our "niche" or local markets. I actually think the farmers markets type idea is the way to go. You cut out the middle man and deal directly with the customer. You have a high quality product or you take it back home with you! Of course now you have to be a marketer instead of just a producer! Which is a big pain in its own way but can also be very rewarding! Some people are born salesmen others aren't very good at it and actually shudder at the thought of it.
I like the idea of actually getting a little more than Safeway because people know you have a much better product!
I suspect the days of selling grain and livestock for export are pretty well done. Our government has pretty well decided they are too cheap to play that game! So in reality the US, Europe and South America will continue to beat us up in the international marketplace. And yet when you go down to the farmers market people don't care if the tomatoes cost 20 cents more than the imports at Safeway, because they know they are getting something that is tasty, fresh and naturally grown. And maybe helping out their local farmer a bit?
I like the idea of actually getting a little more than Safeway because people know you have a much better product!
I suspect the days of selling grain and livestock for export are pretty well done. Our government has pretty well decided they are too cheap to play that game! So in reality the US, Europe and South America will continue to beat us up in the international marketplace. And yet when you go down to the farmers market people don't care if the tomatoes cost 20 cents more than the imports at Safeway, because they know they are getting something that is tasty, fresh and naturally grown. And maybe helping out their local farmer a bit?