Junebug - Thanks for the update on the Buck Lake Mtg. Like always with the pasture ins they get a little heat so decide to cancel the program. If the program is deemed to be unreliable why are they still collecting everyone's premium! Cowman is right - I have sent letters to Shirley McClellan's office and get response which is more that ou get from AFSC where all you get is "sorry that's the way it is - right or wrong - our hands are tied". MLA's can help to untie their hands. Keep going - I will send letters today also.
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We are well beyond drought even if you compare it to last year. The storm earlier this week brought us only about 3/10ths whereas others were in the inch to 2-inch arena. We can only dream of the days we got moisture like that.
It's my understanding that some of what was going to be discussed at that meeting was how the data was collected and what they were using in terms of determining just how much moisture had accumulated. I've heard of people being told that they've had 138% of moisture, where I don't know, but it certainly isn't around here anywhere.
Apparently it shows up in the rain gauge/weather station, but by the time the wind and heat get ahold of it, nothing gets to the ground, or if it does, it doesn't last too long.
We've had so much cloud seeding out here, that I think that it has dried everything up, not just the supposedly big hail stones that the silver iode is supposed to take care of.
Interestingly enough it's a group of insurance companies that pay for cloud seeding in order to ensure that we don't get hail, or at least bad hail. Now, if earlier this month and this summer are any indication, all we do by seeding the clouds is pass the problem further down the line and somebody pays in the end.
I'm really beginning to think that they should quit this cloud seeding so that some of the moisture comes back. Can anybody give me an explanation as to why we should keep up with the practice of cloud seeding when we are so desperate for moisture?
Talked to a farmer friday in Red Deer. He says the barley is running anywhere between 80-100 bu./acre. 51 lbs. and very high protein. Had talked to another one earlier(further east) and his hard spring wheat was doing about 40 bu./acre with a super high protein level. Their two farms are about eight miles apart just east of Red Deer. Of course the land just east of Red Deer(before you get into the Hunting Hills) is sort of like a little garden of Eden that seems to get every little shower that comes through. This is where the barley was coming off. Too bad they are planting houses there as fast as they can put them up!
Cakadu: According to AFSC nearly all areas except Sundre had over 100% of normal moisture. I can't imagine they can really believe that after the tour they were given. There was big discussion on how the spring moisture was determined. For the pasture insurance, many samples were taken on the frost and on stubble not on grass. How accurate is that??? The data that was collected, was intended for an entirely different program, but AFSC decided to use it for their purpose.
THE FIGHT IS NOT OVER. Our silage ran 2.75 ton/acre. Pretty sad I'd say. The hay was 1/4 of normal production. Does a person in their right mind purchase feed for $.10 cows. Does anyone know what bred cows are worth? Might have some for sale.
pickarock: The people at the meeting told AFSC that if they didn't pay out this year they might as well ditch the program (Even if they make changes)because why would we get sucked into it again when for most of us at the meeting, it is a worse drought than last year. The worst in 70 years some say.
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