HGB Thanks for the comments regarding Mr. Keith Mclean. There are probably lots of farmers that have had to deal this this man.
I do not want to suggest that all land agents are confrontational and dishonest. But unfortunately some are.
Thanks everyone for your help. I do not feel alone in this matter.
There have been a number of comments like "Remember its just a game"
Its good to remember not to take this too seriously and I will not be letting it upset me or my family. Thank God someone can play the game for me. I do not need to get down to their dickering level, considering the little extra I am going to gain in this deal.
But what a shame that the oil companies approach is so tough, really they take a bullying approach to dealing with farmers, or at least this company is taking that approach with me. I wonder if the world that they operate in on a day to day basis is a world of dishonesty, a world where the strong overtake the weak. I wonder if, to the oil companies, that this is all just a game, and it really doesnt matter how you play the game as long as the end results are favorable to them and exploration carries on, meeting the demands of the consumer.
Regarding government policy. At the present time I do not have the feeling that the provincial government is against the farmers, certainly I do not feel abadoned as a cattle producer with the BSE crisis. (The Alberta Govt. might not have the money to support our industry if not for oil revenue)
However the provincical government seems to support the oil industries position in dealing with farmers. It seems to me that the provincial government tries to create a positive and favorable environment for the oil companies to operate in. Well thats OK.
But why does it have to be at the expense of the farmers.
Certainly the oil companies need to be protected against unreasonable and unfair farmers. And there are some unreasonable farmers around, hard to believe isn't it.
Its unfortunate that the provincial government was forced to set a minimum standard of conduct and fairness for the Oil Companies to follow. Without this minimun standard the Oil Companies would walk all over us. In the give and take of the govt.trying to please the oil companies and be fair to the farmers, I feel that the minimun standard of conduct and fairness set by the govt, and imposed upon oil companies is a little low. I would think that the minimun standard for pricing and conduct at the least is--Would the majority of farmers be sorry if the oil companies took their business elsewhere and went onto the neighbours land. If the majority of farmers would feel a sense of loss, (with the well going on some elses land) then the deal was not too bad.
In this case I would not be sorry to see this outfit goes somewhere else.
I do not want to suggest that all land agents are confrontational and dishonest. But unfortunately some are.
Thanks everyone for your help. I do not feel alone in this matter.
There have been a number of comments like "Remember its just a game"
Its good to remember not to take this too seriously and I will not be letting it upset me or my family. Thank God someone can play the game for me. I do not need to get down to their dickering level, considering the little extra I am going to gain in this deal.
But what a shame that the oil companies approach is so tough, really they take a bullying approach to dealing with farmers, or at least this company is taking that approach with me. I wonder if the world that they operate in on a day to day basis is a world of dishonesty, a world where the strong overtake the weak. I wonder if, to the oil companies, that this is all just a game, and it really doesnt matter how you play the game as long as the end results are favorable to them and exploration carries on, meeting the demands of the consumer.
Regarding government policy. At the present time I do not have the feeling that the provincial government is against the farmers, certainly I do not feel abadoned as a cattle producer with the BSE crisis. (The Alberta Govt. might not have the money to support our industry if not for oil revenue)
However the provincical government seems to support the oil industries position in dealing with farmers. It seems to me that the provincial government tries to create a positive and favorable environment for the oil companies to operate in. Well thats OK.
But why does it have to be at the expense of the farmers.
Certainly the oil companies need to be protected against unreasonable and unfair farmers. And there are some unreasonable farmers around, hard to believe isn't it.
Its unfortunate that the provincial government was forced to set a minimum standard of conduct and fairness for the Oil Companies to follow. Without this minimun standard the Oil Companies would walk all over us. In the give and take of the govt.trying to please the oil companies and be fair to the farmers, I feel that the minimun standard of conduct and fairness set by the govt, and imposed upon oil companies is a little low. I would think that the minimun standard for pricing and conduct at the least is--Would the majority of farmers be sorry if the oil companies took their business elsewhere and went onto the neighbours land. If the majority of farmers would feel a sense of loss, (with the well going on some elses land) then the deal was not too bad.
In this case I would not be sorry to see this outfit goes somewhere else.