In the agriculture business we all know that we need to know our input costs! The challenge is how do we do these calculations?
We have had some suggestions as to what we need to include in these costs when we do them, but when it comes down to the bottom line, it doesn't take a mental accounting giant to know we all need to do something to make the bottom line better!
Big companies have cubicles set up for their creative accountants that can always come up with what ever number works for them! Is the business tough ... you bet it is! So we do need to cut our costs and increase our bottom line! I don't think anyone will disagree with that! So now the question is how do we do that?
We can do what we have always done and hope the status quo will work. (Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity!)
We can hope the government helps us out! (Hello, unless you change your name, register your business in the US or have some pal that can manipulate some program to work for you in some government program that really doesn't do much for the primary producer, forget this option!)
Sell your soul to one of the big guys or a medium size company that has learned to control their (your) market segment. (You may get enough income to make it through one or two more seasons!)
Or figure out a way that will allow you to take back your farm, cut your input costs, increase your profits, become less dependent on the vultures and build your own niche market by duplicating tight business practices. Can this be done, I think so but don't think it can be done by any one person on their own!
Keep in mind I'm a radical, I'm a dreamer, I still believe in Canadian agriculture and I know that some people are going to sit on the fence and watch, some people will want to do something and some people will do everything they can to stop you from trying!
We have had some suggestions as to what we need to include in these costs when we do them, but when it comes down to the bottom line, it doesn't take a mental accounting giant to know we all need to do something to make the bottom line better!
Big companies have cubicles set up for their creative accountants that can always come up with what ever number works for them! Is the business tough ... you bet it is! So we do need to cut our costs and increase our bottom line! I don't think anyone will disagree with that! So now the question is how do we do that?
We can do what we have always done and hope the status quo will work. (Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity!)
We can hope the government helps us out! (Hello, unless you change your name, register your business in the US or have some pal that can manipulate some program to work for you in some government program that really doesn't do much for the primary producer, forget this option!)
Sell your soul to one of the big guys or a medium size company that has learned to control their (your) market segment. (You may get enough income to make it through one or two more seasons!)
Or figure out a way that will allow you to take back your farm, cut your input costs, increase your profits, become less dependent on the vultures and build your own niche market by duplicating tight business practices. Can this be done, I think so but don't think it can be done by any one person on their own!
Keep in mind I'm a radical, I'm a dreamer, I still believe in Canadian agriculture and I know that some people are going to sit on the fence and watch, some people will want to do something and some people will do everything they can to stop you from trying!