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What is wrong with you Canadians

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    What is wrong with you Canadians

    I am just shaking my head at Canadians these days. You are pointing your fingers at the USA as the great enemy of the world and just look at what you are doing.
    1)Decriminalizing pot
    2)Legalizing same sex marriage
    3)Making safe houses for Heroin addicts
    I am sure that there is more, I just dont know about it.
    You know -- We Americans have been planning this all along -). We have just been waiting for you to take this action for years. Its a hidden conspiracy you know.-)
    Now all of our US gay and lesbian couples will go to Canada to live. I can see it now. Gays and Lesbians making up half of the population of Canada. Married gay men high on pot necking in the parks in Calgary. The free nationalized medical system will be a further draw for gays and lesbians. When they get aids they can depend on medicare and cheaper drugs. Now that you have a surplus of beef you will have enough food to feed this dramatic increase in your population.
    Its not hard to become a Canadian citizen, (not that any intelligent person would want to) and I can see these gays etc becoming politically involved. Pretty soon they will make up the majoriy of the political activists and when they join with the pedophiles I am sure that you are going to see some real changes.

    Ah-- Canada the land of the gay, and the high, the stoned. And all of them so well fed on delicious Canadian beef. Canada as a tolerant country will be a perfect place for every gay and lesbian misfit from any where in the world.
    I see in the Canadian news that you just loosened your immigration polices again. Well that should let a few more in. I don't think that I will be applying for immigrant status.
    I can well imagine Canada's tolerance getting stretched in the next few years.

    You say you detect some hostility toward Americans.Quite the contrary.I for one am becoming embarrassed to call myself Canadian,usually referring to myself as "western Canadian" as I feel we are a little different species.Anyway,to my point,I was wondering if we could be the next country to be invaded and have our dictating leader and all his joke of a gov't removed from power?Please?


      Dude are you for real???
      I can't believe that anyone would be so screwed up! I hope this is supposed to be some kind of joke or something! If not what century are you living in? You need to seriously seek some professional help if you are for real?


        Why do you say that?
        Maybe I am wrong.
        Did Canada legalize, or decriminalize pot?
        Am I wrong in saying that your government is legalizing same sex marriages?
        Am I wrong in saying that Vancouver has opened a safe house for Heroin addicts to shoot up?
        Put two and two together. If you think that there was an exodus of Amercian youth to Canada during the Vietnam conflict, Do you not think that there will not be an exodus of gay and lesbian freedom seekers to your liberal country at this time?
        Taking into consideration the difference in the size of our populations, it would be reasonable to conclude that the amount of gay and lesbian immigrants to your fine country would be large. If even 5% of our population was gay and left for Canada, your population would increase significantly.
        I think my scenario is quite feasible. And it does not even take into consideration gay and lesbians moving to Canada from other less liberal countries. Maybe you should start considering the effects of your open immigration policy and liberal government decisions. I think the picture that I painted of Gay men necking in the parks of Calgary is something you might have to get used to. And if YOU speak out about it you might be charged for hate mongering.

        Have fun Canucks. I have freedom of Speech as an American citizen. You guys are so stupid that you can not even see what is happening to your country. Maybe you have been eating too much of you mad beef.


          This has to be a joke! No one is that stupid!


            My apologies for using the word stupid so much.
            Of course, I have always considered Canadians to be like my own brothers. Not just neighbours, but brothers.
            I am deeply concerned about the political directions that your country is taking. My strong language and passion reflects my concern.

            I am a free trader and think that free trade is to everyones advantage.

            I have been upset by some of the comments in this forum relating to strategies affecting your beef industry, and the unfortunate situation you find your selves in. I have heard it said that if BSE was discovered in the USA that things would be different. That's right. Things would be different. We are not nearly so dependant on exports as you are. If we had an isolated case of BSE I would not expect our prices to drop so much. In addition to that since we are large consumers of world products, I would expect that we might have a little more influence in the international community.
            Canada, being a huge exporter is at somewhat of a disadvantage.

            In my comments, I am just trying to inject a little reality into the situation and give you a little wake up call.
            God Bless you all.


              God bless America: What is your problem? If we want to have dope legalized or legalized gays what is it to you? Are we asking you to become gay or smoke dope? I would note that Hawaii good reason to ban our beef? This is has legalized gay marriages? Is this bordering on the absurb!
              Is America a God fearing nation? Come on, you are about the most corrupt nation in the world! Check out your own drug problems and homosexual numbers! And crime?


                What I am trying to say to Canadians is "Smarten Up" You can not continue to blindly support fairness and tolerance and spit in the Face Of God.
                the USA is a God Fearning Country. A sinful nation, yes. But the leadership of our country, by and large know right from wrong, and we love and respect biblical truth and God.
                I have not heard about Canadian politicians willing to take a strong stand against the sin of homosexuality.
                Our President has.
                Do you have a prominent judge that was willing to sacrifice his career to make a point that our justice system is based on the Ten Commandments.
                The United States has judges like that.

                Canada needs to repent and turn back to God's ways if they are going to return to prosperity. Think of how far Canada has slipped in the last year. It is really sad to see.


                  The problem with us Canadians is that we have not become involved enough at a Political Level. The reality of our Federal Government is that most of the political power is held in central Canada. Often the ideals and decisions made by that government seem foreign to us here in the West. Hence we do not get involved. Sometimes I just feel helpless.
                  I have been thinking that one thing that I can do is to donate money to correct thinking candidates from Central Canada who have a chance at getting elected. Maybe my finacial contributions would make a difference. Here in the West maybe we could do something to get Anne McLellan voted out in Edmonton. The Liberal government is ruining us with their decisions. We may well become a country of gays, lesbians and muslims extremists and terrorists. Things do look bad right now.
                  With the BSE crisis we should be seeing that political influences are bothering us worse that drought, grasshoppers etc. We (as farmers)should be taking the position that political monetary contributions have influence beyond our declining numbers.
                  Considering that our net worth has declined so much lately, we should be making MAJOR contributions to influence political decisions to a more common sense direction. If the politicians do not know right from wrong, maybe we can do something about it. I am not talking about Liberals, Alliance or otherwise, Any political organization needs money and all will listen when a check is being written.


                    Yep,they'll listen alright CowsRus;while what you say is going out the other ear and their thinking of ways to win votes where it matters.You see,Canadian politics is simple.Kiss the butts of the people that live in the most densely populated areas.You do this,your in ,plain and simple.It's been proven time and time again.


                    Poly meaning:many

                    Tics meaning:blood sucking creatures


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