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What Special Day Is It Today

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    What Special Day Is It Today

    An open letter to our American neighbours:

    It seems as if our American neighbours need to be reminded that today is a special day to Canadians.

    It is 112 days since the American government closed the border to imports of Canadian beef due to a single case of BSE found after an American citizen slaughtered a downer cow.

    It is 71 days since U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman said she's convinced Canadian beef is safe but would give no time frame for reopening the border.

    It is 42 days since Ann Veneman declared boneless beef under 30 months of age would be allowed into the United States but to date only a token amount has actually crossed.

    It is 520 days since an American pilot killed four Canadian soldiers fighting against terrorism in Afghanistan.

    It is 1798 days since Canada successfully defended the Canadian beef cattle industry from the anti-dumping and countervail duty cases initiated by RCALF in the United States after the United States International Trade Commission voted 5 to 1 that Canadian live cattle imports were not injuring the U.S.

    It is 183 days since Bush attached Iraq after lying to the entire world about weapons of mass destruction.

    It is 738 days since Canadians accepted countless thousands of American who were forced to land in Canada as there was no place to land in their own country. Bush couldn’t be bothered to say thank you.

    It is 6941 days since the Canada United States Trade Agreement, which later became NAFTA, was signed but Americans still think they can pick and choose the trade that takes place between the two countries.

    It is 9011 days since Ken Taylor, Canadian Ambassador to Iran hid six American escapees before the seizure of the US embassy in November of 1979.

    It is 2062 days since the U.S president lied to the American people claiming "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman. .... or that woman. .. or that woman. ... or that one over there either." forever giving new meaning to the word cigar.

    Is there any other dates that need to be the calendar?

    It seems as if our American neighbours have simply forgot what special day it is today or they wouldn’t be treating Canadians the way they are.

    Point well taken. I know that. Its all true. Further to that I can travel in Canada and feel that I am part of the community. We talk the same language, eat the same food. Its hard to tell the difference between the American and Canadian states if a person is up there in the summer.
    What you are forgetting is that you are not our equals. At one time your country had the opportunity to become truly great. Instead you elected Trudeau and chose to please your citizens with Medicare, welfare and any kind of fare the voters wanted.
    The USA developed technology, went to the moon, developed a military system and improved health services. You are no longer a great country. We are.
    At one time Russia was a great country. Now they are not.
    Canadians have to learn that they need to sell themselves and their products if they want to feed their people. Your Medicare system does not do a thing to develop foreign trade. Your lack of a military does not help you either. Canada is a nothing on the world stage. You can only rely on what has been for so long.

    If Canada is to succeed they must realize their present place. Canada needs to become moral leaders, not leaders in perversion. They need to have the best products, and they no longer have a place in criticizing other nations just as Japan can not afford to do this.

    Canada is such a small player in the world now, that Japan feels it can give Canada a hard time with this beef issue. That is my point . Canada is nothing anymore. If it wants to become something , it will have to realize where it is now, and where it wants to go and how it is going to get there. For awhile if another consuming nation says jump Canada will have to jump.
    Canada has a lot going for it and with careful management it has a chance. But if you keep electing those socialist governments there will only be a continuing downward spiral for your country.
    Does the USA have a lot to be concerned about ourselves. YES WE DO.
    However we are the ones with the money and power right now. If you want to succeed you will need to realize that you are not our equals morally, economically, militarily, politically. Canada will have to work hard to get back to where it once was. So will the USA. The difference is that we are still a great country, and we have not turned our backs on God.


      Good post rsomer.

      GLTU once again a fine example of the lack of humility and common sense so prominent south of the border.

      Perhaps its time to get beyond your computer. Go down and get a passport and do a bit of travelling outside this continent. Turn off CNN and see the rest of the world for yourself.

      Make sure you wear the stars and stripes prominently and proudly where ever you go. Then you will truly see how the rest of the world views the good 'ol US of A. If you think some Canadians have a distorted view of the U.S. you will get quite an eye opener when you see first hand how the rest of the world views Americans.

      There are lots of things about Canada that tick me off but whenever I leave the country I can truly admit I am proud to say that I am Canadian. Its funny when I also hear Americans claiming to be Canadian as well.


        This discussion is not about the popularity of the United States. We do not have to be popular if we are powerful. The point is that Canadians think that they are God's gift to the world and that you are something special and that you are equal to or better than the USA and should have the same status in the world economy. You think that people should be clamering to be your friends and desiring to obtain your dollars like they do for my country. You are too blind to see that Canada is less in the world economy than South Korea, which by the way is a rising star and a true Christian nation.
        In the world economy Canada is a declining nation. You probably rank below Brazil and Spain in worldwide importance. You arrogantly think that the world is going to be concerned about your BSE beef crisis. Well the world is not. Your problems do not even make the world news. I follow the news on http://www.worldnews.com all of the time and I have never seen anything there about Canada. On the world stage right now you do not even rank with Pakistan. I know that you are not accepting what I am saying but its true.
        Your choice of leadership and fullfilling your self interests have led to a decline in your ecomony and world status. Your pride in separating church and state and leaving God out of important national decisions is taking its toll.
        You can think that you are important all that you want--it does not change the facts. If you want to keep selling your produce on the world market you has better wake up and start acting like a country that wants to sell something, instead of acting like the world power that you are not.


          History...does anyone ever really learn from it or does each generation go through that learning curve?

          Sometimes I feel the more I learn the more confused I can get, sometimes!

          If I may "God loves the USA", ask one little question .

          What exactly is your point? Are you just trying to point out a few faults you feel we have as a nation ( over and over), or are you wanting to hi-lite how perfect the USA is in your eyes.

          IS your point that we as a nation should realize how insignificant we really are? IS this it?

          Wow, I am really sorry for not seeing any of this sooner... and must apologise for this.

          Having said that, I want to thank you for your comments, because without them I would not have been able to come up with my new opinion of Americans.

          Now if you will excuse me, I am half way through watching a wonderful movie called "Bowling For Columbine" .Excuse my insignificant little Canuck brain if I spelled it wrong......


            GLTU... You said "We do not have to be popular if we are powerful"
            I say you cant demand respect you have to earn it and i dont think you will get any respect talking like that


              Why are you guys getting all het up with this obviously 'rightwing' misled aMERICAN? Where in hell he gets this 'socialist' gov't of ours is beyond me. Our health care system is none of his bloody business either.
              As far as the USA being a christian nation...what a joke? Do christians have to start wars to prove they are the best or what? My dog is more christian than this turkey.

              Let's get back to the problem of getting our beef markets back and forget GLTU's crap.


                You are right wilagro. He's way out in right field and he definitely is not a typical American. We have our own share of people who are "eccentric", to put it nicely.
                The Americans are our friends and neighbors. Unfortunately the present American administration has an attitude that is not helpful towards good relationships, but they get a chance to boot Bush out in 2004 so things are looking up. Unless he steals that election like he did the last one!
                Americans are good people if a wee bit naive about the rest of the world. You go to Montana or Idaho and it feels like right at home. Very friendly and they don't act like they are superior in any way. Just people like us.


                  It is another special day for Canadians because...

                  It is 11197 days since fighting ends in Vietnam. The American forces leave defeated Over 33,000 American boys were wasted to counter a threat that wasn’t there.

                  It is 674 days since Enron collapsed after the company’s deceitful accounting practices became public. Enron is followed by Worldcom and K-Mart leaving the U.S. economy reeling.

                  It is 4388 days since Canada was voted by the United Nations to be best place in the world in which to live. Canada wins this title for the next straight 6 years.

                  It is 3287 days since a Canadian, James Gosling, invented Java programing language. It is 129 years since another Canadian, Henry Wood, patents the electric light bulb and sell the patent to Thomas Edison.

                  It is 573 and 574 days since the Canadian National Mens and W omens hockey teams kick American butt at the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah.

                  Most of all it is a special day for Canadians because when woke up this morning they could look around and take pride in the fact that they weren’t Americans.

                  Maybe if our American neighbours remembered what a special day it is they would be more humble.


                    good job rsomer. i think canada has some shortcomings compared to the usa though. our socialism cant compare to theirs. their government gives massive subsidies to agriculture, textiles, steel. they also do a better job of pretending to be capitalists. their government is at least as good as ours at transferring wealth from the individual to the large corporate friends of government.


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