Yesterday we had the quickest spring working of cows that we've ever had. Last summer we bought a portable tub, alley, squeeze system and I thought we should use it in the spring as well. It was bought for fall processing out on pasture without this intention but it worked great. Normally every bunch we do we switch the squeeze for the tipping table and that's a pain. This time we had enough people to have some branding and the others sorted and worked the cows after. Brought in the cows at 8:30 am and finished at 1 pm for lunch with 170 pairs. Usually it's 3-4 people all bloody day and you're beat at the end vs today with 8 people at a leisurely pace and nobody was wore out. It was kinda nice to have something go right after quite the frustrating spring so far. Part of the reason for the big crew was no one has started seeding since it's been too wet. Finished combining swathes today and the fun continues with 200 acres of flattened wheat next and hopefully seeding next week. Almost looking forward to the next bunch of 120 pairs next week.... 
Just waiting for the grass to grow now. Moisture is ideal but way too cold. Still need a toque in the morning and night here.

Just waiting for the grass to grow now. Moisture is ideal but way too cold. Still need a toque in the morning and night here.