What happened to Shirley McClellans cow registration program? It was supposed to be tied to some sort of cow relief deal? Or was this just a proposed deal unless the feds came up with a program? Which I guess they did with the $159/cow deal?
Alberta Agriculture said details would be announced by Nov. 10...along with the usual blurb about how they were swamped with work and all slaving away like little beavers, so please be patient!
I hope this cow registration thing isn't going to be like the gun registration? Will we have to have a photo(by a professional photographer of course) of each cow? Or will we need to hire a few thousand cow counters? Why this could be a real boost for the Alberta economy!
Alberta Agriculture said details would be announced by Nov. 10...along with the usual blurb about how they were swamped with work and all slaving away like little beavers, so please be patient!
I hope this cow registration thing isn't going to be like the gun registration? Will we have to have a photo(by a professional photographer of course) of each cow? Or will we need to hire a few thousand cow counters? Why this could be a real boost for the Alberta economy!