Normally we background our calves through the winter and run them on grass the following summer until they are sold sometime from September to December. They weigh 900-1000 lbs at this point and we like it since it allows us to calve less cows (least favourite part of the year unless the sun is shining and no mud/snow) and still gross the same total dollars.
The past two years have allowed us to build quite a stockpile of silage since the weather wasn't conducive to making hay. We would like to turn some of this feed into cash and are thinking of buying a bunch of calves this fall that would be similar to ours and backgrounding and grass them as well. We know what our costs are to do this and now have a good idea what the purchase price will be which is a bit higher than expected. That's ok since we haven't sold our yearlings yet.
It's been 35 years (before I was born😉) since we've bought anything besides bulls hence the title. Just curious what everyone's crystal ball thinks market prices will be like a year from now ( barring unforeseen events that we all know can happen)?
Do you think they'll be steady, lower, or higher in September 2018??
I would like to think higher ðŸ‘though we can still turn a profit if they drift a little lower. Realistically I think they'll be steady which would be fine with me.
Just curious. TIA
The past two years have allowed us to build quite a stockpile of silage since the weather wasn't conducive to making hay. We would like to turn some of this feed into cash and are thinking of buying a bunch of calves this fall that would be similar to ours and backgrounding and grass them as well. We know what our costs are to do this and now have a good idea what the purchase price will be which is a bit higher than expected. That's ok since we haven't sold our yearlings yet.
It's been 35 years (before I was born😉) since we've bought anything besides bulls hence the title. Just curious what everyone's crystal ball thinks market prices will be like a year from now ( barring unforeseen events that we all know can happen)?
Do you think they'll be steady, lower, or higher in September 2018??
I would like to think higher ðŸ‘though we can still turn a profit if they drift a little lower. Realistically I think they'll be steady which would be fine with me.
Just curious. TIA
