If you've got the feed sitting around and need to utilize it, I don't see an issue. While the markets don't look like they're going to skyrocket any time soon, I agree that they should at least be steady and similar next year. Barring any catastrophes like TB, BSE, NAFTA... acronyms seem to love the beef industry.
I understand where you're coming from in wanting to carry them over the summer to use up grass instead of having to hay, however if it were me I would be keeping in mind the grass market next spring. Pick up some cheaper animals this December when the market does it's pre Christmas dip. Nut them, dehorn them, or just look at all their pretty spots that allowed you to buy them cheap, then feed them up for a few months. Generally the market to get grass animals is high enough to be tempting, even if you only sell half and keep the rest to deal with your grass and risk whatever fall prices might do. Not huge profit margins by any means, but will handle your excess silage and grass issues. Although the profits are also going to depend on how you think you're going to manage them. Antibiotics, vaccinations, implants, handling, etc. If you've got a good set up for the handling then that would make things so much easier.
I understand where you're coming from in wanting to carry them over the summer to use up grass instead of having to hay, however if it were me I would be keeping in mind the grass market next spring. Pick up some cheaper animals this December when the market does it's pre Christmas dip. Nut them, dehorn them, or just look at all their pretty spots that allowed you to buy them cheap, then feed them up for a few months. Generally the market to get grass animals is high enough to be tempting, even if you only sell half and keep the rest to deal with your grass and risk whatever fall prices might do. Not huge profit margins by any means, but will handle your excess silage and grass issues. Although the profits are also going to depend on how you think you're going to manage them. Antibiotics, vaccinations, implants, handling, etc. If you've got a good set up for the handling then that would make things so much easier.