Yes, quality is becoming more important to consumers. When McDonald's changes its Chicken McNuggets from fatty dark meat to lean breast meat, you know it's a sign of things to come.
From my personal experience, niche markets and community-supported agriculture are worth considering. They offer greater potential for profit on a much smaller land base.
If you combine the above with heritage livestock breeds and heritage seeds (do you like gardening?) you could tap into some very lucrative specialty markets.
Perhaps you could consider selling part of your farm to raise seed capital? (forgive the pun)
Have a look at:
The New Farm
Rare Breeds Canada
Seeds of Diversity Canada
From my personal experience, niche markets and community-supported agriculture are worth considering. They offer greater potential for profit on a much smaller land base.
If you combine the above with heritage livestock breeds and heritage seeds (do you like gardening?) you could tap into some very lucrative specialty markets.
Perhaps you could consider selling part of your farm to raise seed capital? (forgive the pun)
Have a look at:
The New Farm
Rare Breeds Canada
Seeds of Diversity Canada