When you get the hide off them they are all the same color! Color has always been a problem and not a very good indicator of quality.
Now all the experts tell us that crossbreeding is the way to go. That F1 female is the desired one and then you cross her to a purebred bull of another breed. This supposedly gets you the most economic heterosis.
Why have a crossbred cow? These are the experts reasons...She is more fertile, she will raise a bigger calf, she will live longer and be more vigorous(sometimes a hell of a lot more vigorous, if you know what I mean!!).
So why is it that the crossbred bull is such a no-no? Wouldn't we want more fertility, longevity, production capability, etc. in a bull? Or would we end up with nothing more than a mongrel? Breeding top notch individuals to each other is always a good thing regardless of a piece of paper. Breeding poor animals to each other creates poorer animals, no matter how "pure" they are. Why is it that the pig business has gone almost totally to composite breeds? Why is it that corn is almost totally hybrid? Simple reason...because you get more production at a cheaper cost.
The days when we breed for such silly things as color really need to come to an end. What we need is a system that rewards the person producing the most desired product? Perhaps when we get electronic tagging there will not only be traceback but also an information flow? Hopefully we could get info on how our cattle grade and yield? If we could get that, then that $5 tag would look like a pretty good investment?
Now all the experts tell us that crossbreeding is the way to go. That F1 female is the desired one and then you cross her to a purebred bull of another breed. This supposedly gets you the most economic heterosis.
Why have a crossbred cow? These are the experts reasons...She is more fertile, she will raise a bigger calf, she will live longer and be more vigorous(sometimes a hell of a lot more vigorous, if you know what I mean!!).
So why is it that the crossbred bull is such a no-no? Wouldn't we want more fertility, longevity, production capability, etc. in a bull? Or would we end up with nothing more than a mongrel? Breeding top notch individuals to each other is always a good thing regardless of a piece of paper. Breeding poor animals to each other creates poorer animals, no matter how "pure" they are. Why is it that the pig business has gone almost totally to composite breeds? Why is it that corn is almost totally hybrid? Simple reason...because you get more production at a cheaper cost.
The days when we breed for such silly things as color really need to come to an end. What we need is a system that rewards the person producing the most desired product? Perhaps when we get electronic tagging there will not only be traceback but also an information flow? Hopefully we could get info on how our cattle grade and yield? If we could get that, then that $5 tag would look like a pretty good investment?