Cowman I would agree with what Pandianna says in her last post which highlights the role of the hereford in the tough conditions of SE Alberta. This is the kind of terrain that hybrids will struggle on commercially - yes they can breed at an earlier age and wean a bigger calf but not without an uneconomic level of supplementation.
Experiments at Ag research places are fine but how many of these run a herd through it's entire lifetime in these tough conditions?(and at a profit?) The families that have made a success of ranching tough terrain anywhere in the world through several generations know the kind of cow that pulls them through.
Experiments at Ag research places are fine but how many of these run a herd through it's entire lifetime in these tough conditions?(and at a profit?) The families that have made a success of ranching tough terrain anywhere in the world through several generations know the kind of cow that pulls them through.