I can not help but think this is very bad for us. We are back to square one. To many cattle and now back to square one. but worse. What is Jappan going to do now.
Test is being sent to England to make sure. Sounds like same story just different country.
I hope the hay lasts, or their is going to be some big holes that are going to be filled.
Terrorist attack, I think so, wait better way than the food supply. Agriculture is the only think not protected, by the goverments, we are not big industrys etc. We just feed the people.
Test is being sent to England to make sure. Sounds like same story just different country.
I hope the hay lasts, or their is going to be some big holes that are going to be filled.
Terrorist attack, I think so, wait better way than the food supply. Agriculture is the only think not protected, by the goverments, we are not big industrys etc. We just feed the people.