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Is it time to test?

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    Good idea on the Japanese beef plants Bruce14!!


      I am all for testing every animal and would even be willing to foot the bill for it.If we could get our old export markets back and maybe even some that the USA lost it would be worth every penny.If you could make your cows worth fifty cents a pound versus the ten cents they are now just by testing them wouldn't you do it?Pretty good return on investment if you ask me.


        Bruce 14: I like that idea of the Japanese plants! I just bet that would make Cargill and IBP sweat, as well as the old boys at R-CALF?
        I wonder if our government has ever thought to invite them over to build a plant? Or our cattle associations?
        If you ever want to run for government or the CCA I'm going to vote for you!


          Thanks for the vote of confidence Cowman. Wouldn't it be priceless to be a fly on the wall and see Senator Dorgan or some of the R-calf boys with their morning papers read an announcement of a joint Japanese/Canadian kill plant in Canada?

          There would be cornflakes flying then.



            Nice idea guys but as far as I know the Japanese are one of the most protectionist countries in the world and are using BSE as an excuse to once again close their doors to imported beef. They don't really want our beef although they certainly have plenty "venture capital" to spare.


              grassfarmer, there is already significant Japanese investment in Canada and I don't think they are opposed to making money.

              The Japanese have had delegations in Australia already examining what they have to offer so I wouldn't dismiss any idea that may provide us a way out.


                You know I wonder why the Japs never insisted the USA test their beef? Or Australia? I mean after all they have certain standards for all their own beef and you would think they could definitely have won any WTO case if they had insisted that all beef coming into their country meet those standards?
                If we went to a mandatory test on everything I would expect our government to insist on all imports meet that standard? Do you think that would be reasonable?


                  One other thing. If it was Japanese owned and managed plant that tested every animal and had nothing to do with any other plant then the product would probably be accepted by Japan? In fact we could probably transfer the 10 acres or so that the plant was on to Japan. Declare it Japanese territory! I think IBP Lakeside tried to float that idea a few years ago? Make Lakeside an American plant and have USDA inspectors? It didn't wash at the time but maybe it is now an idea whose time has come?


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