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Beef Tax

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    Beef Tax

    Here's an idea I would like to get some comment on, good and bad, for getting more money to to producer. I know this means getting gov't involvement which I dispise but they are involved right now anyway so...

    How about having a tax put on beef at the grocery counter?
    Then we would get Money For the end product. In turn, I think this would promote more off the farm sales because people would not want to pay the tax. Net result, more money in the producers pockets, and more small meat cutters opening up shop.

    Now getting the tax money back into the producers hands would be the only problem to be ironed out. Now if the gov't could be convinced to let this tax be handled by a panel of producers I think this could maybe work.

    What do you all think?

    What would we call this tax at the supermarket counter? - the chicken and pork promotion tax?


      CPPT? Has a ring to it grassfarmer.


        What gov't would risk political oblivion by putting a tax on food?

        I think you are forgetting how few votes there are from those involved in Agriculture. Sad but true.


          I know something like this would never fly, but I had just read what they said on madcowtalk.com and got to thinking that there must be a way for us to get paid what we deserve instead of settling for what the market dictates to us.


            I know exactly what you mean DFfarms.

            Maybe Valuechain's group will show us how its done. The way things are now can not continue.


              Lets see: we put on a beef tax. Say about $50 per head at the counter or say 10 cents a pound. We all fill out a whole bunch of forms and wait 6 months to get our government check. The packers immediately drop the price of cattle $50 to grab the tax money! Isn't this how it works?
              When the government announces any kind of program don't the fertilizer/chemical companies immediately crack up the price...shortage this year don't you know or our costs have gone up to where we need this increase! You know the same old BS!


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