On the lease question. A few years ago(when Klein tried to do the end run around the leases)the lease owners were recieving a net income over and above all grazing/lease fees/taxes of $37 million dollars. The income came from exploration fees from the oil companies. Kleins attitude was that leaseholders were only renting the grass and were not entitled to the exploration fees. At that same time I was renting some private pasture and I will note I never got one cent from the seismic that went over that land(or expected any).
But the courts have ruled that grazing leases are real property so that isn't the situation here. But the fact also remains that the people of Alberta are losing $37 million a year by having cows on those leases. So what is the solution? One solution might be that the government expropriate the leases at fair market value? Then lease out the grazing rights(and only the grazing rights) for say a five/ten year period? To the highest bidder on a tender system? I remember the debate when this system was suggested. One old rancher complained that that lease had been in his family for close to one hundred years...the reply was that maybe it was time someone else got a chance!
But the courts have ruled that grazing leases are real property so that isn't the situation here. But the fact also remains that the people of Alberta are losing $37 million a year by having cows on those leases. So what is the solution? One solution might be that the government expropriate the leases at fair market value? Then lease out the grazing rights(and only the grazing rights) for say a five/ten year period? To the highest bidder on a tender system? I remember the debate when this system was suggested. One old rancher complained that that lease had been in his family for close to one hundred years...the reply was that maybe it was time someone else got a chance!