Linda: I personally believe we need to take care of our most important customer first-the domestic market. A good part of our problem is we export so much of our production. We overproduce in this country for just about one reason...the governments plan to let the USA and the EU kick us out of the world grain markets! The death of the Crow was the final straw. How much good land went into hay and pasture then?
The reality is we shouldn't be even trying to raise cattle in this artic environment. When you have to feed 7 months of the year it truly is not efficient. No way can we compete with countries like Brazil and Argentina.
But you have to play them how they're dealt to you, and thats why we have this huge cow herd! Simply poor government policy on grain.
By the mid nineties every man and his dog was buying cows. Some of these Johnny come latelies should have never been in it but all us old boys loaded up on cows, too! The money was good and the future looked bright! Today we reap the whirlwind!
The reality is we shouldn't be even trying to raise cattle in this artic environment. When you have to feed 7 months of the year it truly is not efficient. No way can we compete with countries like Brazil and Argentina.
But you have to play them how they're dealt to you, and thats why we have this huge cow herd! Simply poor government policy on grain.
By the mid nineties every man and his dog was buying cows. Some of these Johnny come latelies should have never been in it but all us old boys loaded up on cows, too! The money was good and the future looked bright! Today we reap the whirlwind!