Well Valuechain you give to much credit to our idiot politicians if you propose a long term solution. Remember they only need to make it look good; not actually accomplish anything!
The fact is they knew we didn't have a domestic market for our cows...and probably wouldn't for seven years. They also knew we couldn't eat our way out of it? They only need a solution until the next election? Solution: Bring in a mickey mouse plan to keep those old cows down on the farm. Next step, get some old plants up and running to kill those $12 cows....not good but better than bad publicity when the farmers started shooting them? Perhaps quietly haul the stored meat out to the landfills?
A real solution? Dig the pits. Shoot off one third of the cow herd, quick lime them and bury them! End of the over supply problem? Bite the bullet and pay the farmers $600/cow that went to the pit. For a total cost of about $1 billion! Not cheap for sure but a pittance compared to what they spend on drivel like the gun registry, bi-lingualism, culture,etc.etc. Why if they swung it right they could even add a tax to Albertas oil that would not only bag them the billion but a whole lot more!
And then we would be done with this so called surplus export market and never have to worry about it again.
The fact is they knew we didn't have a domestic market for our cows...and probably wouldn't for seven years. They also knew we couldn't eat our way out of it? They only need a solution until the next election? Solution: Bring in a mickey mouse plan to keep those old cows down on the farm. Next step, get some old plants up and running to kill those $12 cows....not good but better than bad publicity when the farmers started shooting them? Perhaps quietly haul the stored meat out to the landfills?
A real solution? Dig the pits. Shoot off one third of the cow herd, quick lime them and bury them! End of the over supply problem? Bite the bullet and pay the farmers $600/cow that went to the pit. For a total cost of about $1 billion! Not cheap for sure but a pittance compared to what they spend on drivel like the gun registry, bi-lingualism, culture,etc.etc. Why if they swung it right they could even add a tax to Albertas oil that would not only bag them the billion but a whole lot more!
And then we would be done with this so called surplus export market and never have to worry about it again.