just to start a new thread from the other, could we open or certify 1 plant in Canada or the US to do 100% testing for export only? Would Japan and other countries buy beef from that plant? Could we offer to employ safety employees from their own country to ensure compliance? To me for our own consumption we don't need 100% testing, but for export I think we are going to have to like it or not.
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two tiered testing system
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I am thinking this would be a good idea, partnerships such as what you have talked about will bring our export nations closer to us. Keep up the good thoughts!
ALICIA I couldn't agree with you more, in fact that is what branded programs are all about! The fact that some of the countries that are asking for the testing to be done, have way more experience than we do is probably reason enough for us to ask them to come in and help us set up and train our folks here. The added thumbs up comes from our partnership with such groups. Keep in mind everything we do is marketing, making the sale is really the easy part.
I think that we need to build the foundations for our own industry, and if the government wants to throw some coin into the pot so-be-it, just don't hold your breath. Once testing of anysort is available those that wish to pay for it will get it I'm sure. We still need to meet "All" government requirements but if we go beyond who controls our future? Who controls our prices? Who controls what the program delivers? Testing is in the front at the moment, but the issues we are really discussing is the future of the industry and if we just roll over and wet ourselves, or do we take our industry back! I for one, have had about all I can take of people trying to stand in our way! So ALICIA you are right a program for testing could include product for the domestic market as well.
Alicia is exactly right! If you have a choice which one are you going to eat?
The American and Canadian governments are going with the "science" right now, but I expect they are preparing for the inevitable? Consider the USDAs' sudden interest in the blood test? Where is the Canadian presence on this? Why haven't our health organizations gotten in on supporting the idea of the blood test? Or are they just lagging behind as usual?
may well be the only answer, just be prepared for consumers confidence to drop; i.e. "enough"
The modern consumer is a demanding fickle taskmaster. Right at this moment in time I'm very glad that I moved from primary agriculture to the ag service sector.
Looking into the future is the way to set our plans into motion. All the ag sectors have been hit by these challenges and all the ag sector are eventually going to need to take part in balancing out whatever new system comes to the top. I would think the governments will be our partners, but I believe we need to be the leaders here. The rural communities are being dismantled by some of the strategies our governments are putting in place. I for one, don't plan on sitting and watching this happen. The government is working with groups that have their own adgenda and in many cases have lost touch with the rural communities. How we set up the standards and blend all sectors of ag-business together will set the tone for our future.
Oh but bulltipper are you so safe? Or are you the next one down the line? If(and I hope not) the beef industry goes down the whole thing goes down. I do believe the first casulaties will be the feedlots. When you see the banks shutting them down the end is near.
Then what happens? Where are you going to sell your grain? Will we be able to count on the CWB to move all the extra grain? Where are you going to sell your calves? The hog guys are basically in freefall and have been for quite awhile! It is looking pretty grim? We need some bold action and we need it PDQ!
No cowman, I ain't so safe and what effects the feedlot people effects cow/calf people effects the seed stock producers also threatens what I do but not on the same scale. Actually the one that has me absolutely paranoid is hoof and mouth. All the same I'm damn thankful I decided against a move and a expansion because right now I'd be sitting on a pile of cows and a mountain of debt. Been there once, have no need to try it twice.
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