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CBC last night?

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    CBC last night?

    On the National last night they had a show on BSE. I thought it was pretty decent and informative. They were definitely not alarmist or anything.
    I was particularly interested in what had happened in the UK and how it has all washed out over the years. It basically devastated the industry but today beef consumption is way up to the point where they can't supply the demand! Also impressed by how the British government has paid their farmers a decent compensation package instead of hanging them out to dry! Too bad our governments don't seem to have the will of the Brits?

    I thought it was a good show too. Interesting how they skirted the question about the price of beef in the stores, wasn't it?

    Apparently, if you have a cull cow in Britain, she's tanked and you get paid by the government. We can only dream.

    It was also interesting to see what tracks they are taking in the tracing process. It's the first time they've mentioned herdmates of the 1993 cow as being suspicious. I hope they succeed in tracking the source. Life would get a lot easier for us if they could.


      "Too bad our governments don't seem to have the will of the Brits? "

      Leverage...thats all we need to create the will! But you don't have any when you live in a colony.

      Do you think Pauls ships will be hauling stuff to Iraq. Is that why he was all smiles. His issues are being resolved.


        I missed the show Cowman but this comment you made should be in context "It basically devastated the industry but today beef consumption is way up to the point where they can't supply the demand!"
        Pre BSE the UK had a healthy beef export industry (not as large a % exported as Canada though)as well as being self sufficient in beef. When BSE hit consumption dropped 60% overnight AND a lot of the beef still being eaten was being imported. A packer cartel also took the opportunity to screw beef producers when we were unable to export (quite like what has happened here) Over several years these factors conspired to shrink our beef production base considerably. Beef export markets reopened in the late 1990s but to date the extra costs involved have made this price prohibitive and there is virtually zero exporting happening. In 2000 the UK was only 70% self sufficient in beef. In 2001 the Foot and Mouth outbreak happened which resulted in a huge mass slaughter which further reduced our production base. So today UK beef farmers are struggling to fill beef supply, given that they have a reduced herd to produce from. Government policies penalise herd expansion as subsidies are now all geared to reducing production. They are not getting rich either as retailers use their import of foreign beef to hold prices down. Although compensation has been paid on all OTM cattle since March 1996 (because they all get incinerated) this is going to be wound up in the next few months which is causing farmers a lot of worry.


          Well grassfarmer you obviously know more about it than me. I can only go on what I hear on the news. But I am amazed that there is one cow left in Britain after all the wrecks they've had. Now do you think we can weather a five year ban, with a lttle foot and mouth thrown in? Say ten years of the prices we now get, without some massive government support? I don't think so.


            Yes, Cowman I believe we could survive 10 years with $200 cull cows and fats at $83 - but there would be less cattle, less operators and less wastage. Hopefully it won't come to that but we found in the UK that you can survive by adapting. I am not currently spending $1100 on bred heifers as some people are - carrying on as before in the face of reduced income isn't a great idea in my opinion.


              Well grassfarmer I hope you start putting on seminars to live on 200 $ culls and 83$ fats and I will be one of the first to sign up I hope it comes with a guarante.


                Grassfarmer:What do you think your heifers cost you? I made it to a few bred cattle sales this fall and the going rate was around that dollar a pound. If the price dropped much below that the packer buyer was right there picking them up. So I guess if your heifers were in that 1100 lb. range then they really did cost you $1100? Now if they weighed less that is another story...900lb.=$900
                Personally I've always found that heifers under 1000 lbs.in the fall tend to give me a lot more calving problems unless they are bred to a really easy calver. And then you end up with a dink calf that isn't worth a lot in the fall...and I like to sell calves in the fall. Maybe if you background them they work out better. I do keep my little calves over and I make some money on them but I'm not sure if it is really worth all the hassle.


                  Cowman, I didn't actually buy heifers in as I retain my own replacements (and i'm not going to get into what it costs to produce your own versus buying in)the point I was trying to make is that many ranchers have spent too much money on overvalued breeders this year despite the BSE crisis.In the early weeks of June cow calf pairs were making $1300 and feeder cattle hardly dropped at all. Now that feedlots seem to want to buy feeder cattle at @80c/lb (ie the same as fats) perhaps ranchers will start to cut their costs too. Maybe $7-800 is plenty for a bred heifer and $500 for an older cow given that cull cows seem pegged at $200 for the meantime? What happened before BSE is now irrelevant - we have to adapt to current market realities.

                  Which packers were buying bred heifers if they were just under $1/lb? Fat heifers last Nov/Dec were making 78-84c/lb weren't they?


                    I believe if you check the prices you will see a sharp price spike right around the end of October? I don't think the cattle buyer could ever touch the bigger better heifers as they all went back into breeding herds. Most of the ones he did buy were on the lighter side under 1000 lbs. which probably meant they were going back into the feedlot for a few weeks. Feeder cattle were very strong at that time.
                    I know you look at home raised heifers a different way and price them accordingly. But the fact is if she was worth $900 cash on Oct. 30 then that is what she was worth! In fact because she was a "feeder" she was worth closer to $1.10/lb.?


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