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    Check out http://www.maverickranch.com/index.htm


      This is a must read http://www.nobull.net/legal/mission.htm

      Mike Callicrate is a feedlot oporater from Kansas who has gathered a group of producers around him and are taking Tyson to court for obvious reasons. We heard him in Lethbridge a years ago. If I remember right he said that if you do the math, all a packer need to own to controll the market is around 20% of the cattle. The packers read their need by long forcasts on need by a large segment of the retail trade. Therefore they know well in advance of when they are going to need product. Therefore they also know when they need ot have their supply available and priced. Therefore all they need to contol the market is around 20% of the feed cattle at the right time.
      They feel very strong that they will be winning this case because this time they are going to the jury decision process. People of the stree will decide if there has been collusion.


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