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    Junk land is junk land. If it won't grow grain it won't do much better with grass. Should it ever have been broken? No but then how much grass did it produce anyway? Go out to eastern Alberta and see the crops! Dismal...then look at the pastures...dismal.
    When the Crow was killed we saw a lot of land go into grass, and some of it very good land! This was not surprizing as how can you ship a product to an export position when that takes up to 50% of the price? So instead we basically converted to grass and continued to export through cattle. Which worked just dandy until the Americans closed the border. The amazing thing was most of Saskatchewan stayed in grain even though the Crow benifitted them the most!
    We produce too much food in this country for our own use. We need to export...period. The problem is to do that we need to compete with the world. And we can't do that! We could be the most efficient producers and we can't compete because we don't have the money to match the European and American subsidy programs.
    What is the solution? Rip up the grass and plant more grain? Plant more grass? Neither one seems to be working all that well.


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