Actually we are very important in the big picture. Canada is the United States number one export destination, with 23.2% of American exports coming into this country, Mexico is second 14.1%, Japan a distant third 7.4%, and America's best friends the UK is way back at 4.8% (2002). Imports? Again Canada is the number one source of imports entering the United States. Canada is number one at 17.8%, Mexico is second here also at 11.3%, China a surprising third 11.1%, Japan trails China in fourth place at 10.4%, Germany is fifth 5.3%. America's best friends the British aren’t even on the radar screen, Aussies are not important either. So the fact of the matter is the U.S. heavily relies on Canada for both exports and imports.
A lot of people do not know that the Auto Pact has been gone since 1999. See: and
The Auto Pact was heralded as a Canada’s most successful trade agreement, an effort at selective trade liberalization. The success of the Auto Pact would have been one of the driving forces behind the implentation of NAFTA. NAFTA effectively rules out the possibility of restricting oil and gas exports to the U.S. so yes, for better or worse we are tied to the U.S. NAFTA should have prevented the border closing to our cattle once we had taken the steps to minimize the risk of BSE by slaughtering the cows from Marwyn Peaster’s Wanham, Alta. herd and therein lies the problem. NAFTA is only working one way.
A lot of people do not know that the Auto Pact has been gone since 1999. See: and
The Auto Pact was heralded as a Canada’s most successful trade agreement, an effort at selective trade liberalization. The success of the Auto Pact would have been one of the driving forces behind the implentation of NAFTA. NAFTA effectively rules out the possibility of restricting oil and gas exports to the U.S. so yes, for better or worse we are tied to the U.S. NAFTA should have prevented the border closing to our cattle once we had taken the steps to minimize the risk of BSE by slaughtering the cows from Marwyn Peaster’s Wanham, Alta. herd and therein lies the problem. NAFTA is only working one way.