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No test

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    No test

    If you read Neil Jankes letter to the media you will realize testing is not going to happen in Canada! He states very clearly that testing does not ensure safety and that the only safe way to ensure the beef is safe is removal of SRMs! Then he goes on to state,in a round about way, that actually what they are doing isn't really safe either but we need to BS our way out of that! If you were a beef consumer and you read this latest release would you be very happy? I don't know what kind of bonehead would send this kind of letter out to the public? Are the beef industry leaders that stupid?

    Where can we find this letter?


      They, are supposed to be representing the interests, but instead are drinking out of the same trough as the politicians so it will be what is best for the politicians, not necessarily what is best for the consumers or producers.


        The letter from Neil is a nice reassurance to us all about the science of BSE and why we don't need to test every animal. However it is neither about science or politics, but rather about marketing. If we have to test every animal at 30$ that is expensive, but if we don't test, that is even more expensive. Because if we don't test the animals to our customers standards they will not buy our product. Neil thanks our domestic consumers and that is good, but 70% of our market is non domestic.
        Our customers will tell us what their needs are and unless we can convince them that their needs are different, they will dictate the purchase critera. It appears the customer is not willing to change the criteria, so we need to change our product attributes.
        The customer is always right!!


          kato: in the news section of agri-ville.
          I can see Neil reassuring the producers that all is well, but if you read the article I wonder why he would want the Canadian consumer to see it? Maybe I just don't get it or something but I certainly was not reassured!
          Sort of like when Ralph came out with his dumb 3S statement. Plays good with the old boys down on the farm but not so good with the housewife doing the shopping?


            I have often wondered if Neil Janke and the other industry leaders actually write their own letters like this or if CCA staff do it for them.
            In fairness to Neil, what should he have said? Should he have said the beef producers in Canada have no hope of seeing the border open to live cattle in time to save an economic disaster? Maybe something like the U.S. is unfairly restricting imports of Canadian beef? How about Canada is not going to test all cows for BSE because the Americans won't let us?
            If I read between the lines of Neil's letter it is that the CCA people have just about reached the end of their rope and don't know what else to say or do this time around.


              Rsomer, well said.

              Unfortunately in the short term we can't control this situation and I don't know what I would do if I had to make the call. It's all in the hands of the U.S.

              Frustrating but true.


                I agree. What could he say? It's out of our hands. There was nothing there that we hadn't heard before.

                The big problem in my eyes is that WE are the ones who are losing the money every time something new comes up. Every other link in the food chain seems to be doing very well. We can't keep this up much longer, or we'll all be out of business.

                Why doesn't anyone else see this?


                  kato others do see this, however, they really are not doing much about it. I would think "OUR LEADERS" would be looking at ways to help the industry not reacting to the things that come up!

                  If we build a plant and want to test animals we can do that! The government has said "THEY" won't test everyone. But "They" also won't pay your bills, so do we wait for them to save the industry or do it ourselves!

                  It really doesn't matter what any of the "THEY" people say! If you want to save the industry, you best be prepared to save it yourselves!


                    Well perhaps Neil should have said all those things, rsomer? I mean if thats how it is, why sugar coat it?
                    I do realize Neil is caught between a rock and a hard place. Tough job. And I'm sure he's getting his marching orders from above.


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