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Government aid

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    Government aid

    For the cow/calf producer there has basically been little aid as we struggle with the devastation to the cattle industry. Now the provinces are keen to say they are doing their bit but have in fact done nothing. I don't know about Sask. and Man. but the Alberta government has done nothing yet although they have promised a paltry sum for old cows...ditto the feds!
    In fact the only government that has done one bloody thing has been the county, who at least deferred the taxes for a couple of months(which really helped as the price rose dramatically in that time)! And the county continues to try to do something by lobbying the province to scrap the education tax and by promising a longer land tax deferral this year and lower penalties for late payment.
    Now if the county, with its very limited revenues, is the only ones who can get anything done maybe it is time to ask why do we even bother having these clowns in Ottawa and Edmonton? I know we wouldn't even miss the two we have!
    Maybe we should just let the municipalities run the whole show and make parliment and the legislatures into another senate? Sort of a welfare home for old bums who never accomplish anything?

    cowman, you are right there the county seems to be gaining the understanding that the producer is what builds the fabric. I see county work become a more essential element in building the rural infrastructure back in place. I also don't see many county people telling us we need to build more of the infrastructure for agriculture in the city! In fact many countys' are talking to us to find out how they can incorporate some of the ideas into their areas. (A little early but maybe not!) We are working very close with a county and have many of the initial hurdles overcome.


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