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Cull cow programs

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    Cull cow programs

    I believe all the western provinces have some kind of cull cow program. One guy told me that a lot of people never even bothered applying and the various governments had extended the deadlines. I know Alberta extended theirs from Jan. 31 to Feb. 14.
    Now why haven't people bothered? Have they just got so sick of the old government runaround that they don't care? I mean this is basically free money right? Or do they feel like the government is handing them a glass of water while the house burns down?
    Boys get those applications in!

    It's true..if you don't apply, they think you don't need it. That's the way the government runs..if a department actually spends less than last year, they get their budget cut. So they make sure they keep spending.

    After all, we stand to make a whopping one thousand dollars on the 130 cows we have over 30 months! That'll save the day. (Actually 3 days, because that's how long it will last)


      We put in our application, but I suspect it is no different than yours, still have not received a cheque.

      Several neighbors are not going to bother, they work out, don't rely on their cattle or buffalo for their living, and can't be bothered for the small amount they could get back. Same old, same old. Every cent counts when your sole existence is the farm!


        My source in Edmonton told me that don't be looking for a check before the end of February, at the earliest. If you have made any mistakes or left out any info expect a longer wait and a phone call.
        It bothers me when people in our industry don't apply for government programs when they are offered. Makes us all look like a bunch of dumbies or something. Why should the government even try if so many people won't even make the effort? I don't know about you but you'll never see a nickel slip through these old fingers!
        I realize a lot of people are so down right now they are overwhelmed, but they need to do whatever they can to survive. And our governments aid and reaction to this crisis is pitiful and scandulous, respectively!
        Remember if you don't do whatever it takes to come through this then you really shouldn't be in the business. I'm not talking about you Bombay...but to all those who haven't got their applications in.


          Cowman, bottom line is, that many of my neighbors don't feel that their time isn't even worth the effort. Some are oil field related workers, who hire accoutants to do all their bookwork, and don't find the tiny amount available to them by the time accountant fees are figured in, worthwhile. Figure it out, for 30 or 35 head times your 8%culls, accounting fees, etc. They are right! Average oil field labourer makes 15 to 20 dollars an hour. Culled cow program is not worth their effort.


            The Alberta fourm only takes a few minutes to fill out and then a few more to fax. I did this one afternoon in December and got a phone call comfirming that they had recieved it and it looked good the next day. No promise on the payday though. The federal plan is another story, I couldn't find anything on their website so tried the 1-800 # on the Alberta info, this was a waste of time, I was passed around to several people none of which knew anything (in either language). I called the Alberta program help line an was told that the details for the federal program were not worked out and they had no timeline.
            In the first case the trouble was well worth it, with the fed's if they get things going I'm worried about the proof of slaughter thing,we've sold a few cows as hamburger and I hope they can handle this.
            Our accountant is big on CAISP and wants to get things done quickly and have the taxes done before the deadline. Alot more hassle to fill out these fourms but the payout can be alot higher (payed for the Agricore bill in 2002). If you sold all the calfs in 2003 you might have to wait till 2004 but it should be worth the effort you would think.


              I wonder bombay if when all the smoke clears from this thing if the only ones left standing will be those guys who don't need the "cow welfare" checks? I mean a lot of people raise cattle for reasons other than money. Maybe a loss is as good as a profit for them? Get a tax refund?
              It's a funny world.


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