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Federal gov. cull cow support

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    Federal gov. cull cow support

    I'm a landlord and inquiring if any one can enlighten me as too the
    federal gov. involement with the BSE situation.Is there funding available?
    If so what classes of livestock I read something of a cull cow program.
    Do any one know of the critira or amount of the funds. Thanks Doc

    What kind of funding are you looking for?Are you an actual producer?


      Yes I have a few head but my renter is also a producer.Here in B.C.
      the provincial gov pays 128.00 per cow. Would like too know what
      the fed gov amount was.


        I assume the federal program should be the same everywhere...but you never know! We had to submit an inventory to the Manitoba government listing our cows as of September. Over 30 month ones only.

        From what I understand..you have to slaughter them..I think..before the end of the year. They will give you some money then (But you need a kill sheet from the packer!). They will also pay 60 cents a day to help cover feed. This is paid from sometime in December until the end of May, or up until the cow is slaughtered if it is before May.

        Check out



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