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    The big feedlots have stated they can't survive another 3-6 weeks without some money. Do you believe them?
    The federal and provincial governments have poured a lot of cash into some feedlots and yet they are broke? I can believe that too an extent, as IBP and Cargill basically ripped off a lot of that money. I wonder why all the government aid money seems to be flowing to two American packing plants? If the feeders aren't lying about the banks pulling the plug on their funding I suppose we will soon see some of them closing? So maybe we need to wait 3-6 weeks to get a true picture? I guess if they go down we will know the game is over!

    They filled up with some expensive calves in the fall. I think they aren't out of money yet, but they see it coming.

    Besides that it takes a massive crisis to get anyone to pay attention to us little guys out west. They could be trying to instigate one. I expect they are trying to show Ottawa the damage that will be done when they quit buying cattle. Hurt a big bunch of people now, let them help you make noise, and maybe someone will forget about the dog park in Toronto and realize what's happening out here.

    I think the feedlots see the handwriting on the wall, and are being proactive on this one. I think it's time we ALL got together and put some big pressure on to stop the madness.

    Kind of like the farmers in France when they start dumping manure in the streets. It's extreme, but what the hay...it gets people's attention.


      I have some shit....where do you want me to put it!


        Our lot hasn't bought a feeder since mid Dec. And sure as hell won't buy ANY more until we have rules and a date for the U.S. border opening. Before the last bse case I was optimistic of an open border in early 2004 and was willing to buy. No more.


          I wonder what would happen if a bunch of farmers loaded up some cull cows and took them into downtown Calgary/Regina/Winnepeg on a friday afternoon and opened the gate? Preferably of the wild snaky variety? That should get someones attention?
          Of course you might want to make sure they don't have any brands and remove the CCA tag!
          Find a convenient place to park and enjoy the show!


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