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US BSE discovery a fluke?

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    US BSE discovery a fluke?

    Cowman, did you see this?


    The cattle hand…., David Louthan… the Vern’s Moses Lake Meats person…, who actually killed the cow in question says the aging Holstein was a “a perfectly good walking cow,” not a downer. That the cow was even tested for bovine spongiform encephalopathy was “just a fluke,” he says.”

    Further in the article, it is revealed the tempature of the Cow was not taken, which was normal procedure for downers... read the article for yourself for more details.

    Again politics plays first... even in presentation of a disaster!

    Tom4CWB: do you think you could reactivate FARMERS FOR JUSTICE and take a run at the border with a load of Baldy cows, or would a Canadian bureacrat hold you back from having your due?


      Boone I have a better idea yet lets start a stampede of five thousand head across the border. Those custom agents at the border would have to phone head office down in Ottawa to find out what to do and by the time they had two or three tele-conferences and four or five royal commissions the cows would be safely recycled.


        That's the best laugh I've had in a long time!!


          TOM: I hadn't read that article but I had read about the controversy. The whole thing is a mystery/coverup without a doubt. But the things Louthan says are totally true. The USDA and the CFIA are always saying by removing the SRMs the meat is safe, but in fact the splitting saw slices right through the spinal cord, thus spreading it all along the cut. The splitting saw is never washed and the BSE prion cannot be disinfected anyway. If an air driven bolt can drive brain material into the tissue why can't a .44 caliber stun gun? Total drivel! Prions are almost indestructable...so much so that when autopsys are performed on people with CJD they just leave the disecting tools right in the body cavity for burial!
          Instead of really trying to make our beef safe by testing, our governments continue to pursue junk science and smoke and mirrors. They couldn't care if people die from this disease.


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