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Can You Believe This!?

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    Years ago I was taught, never to discuss religion or politics, however being a cow/calf producer in Western Canada, puts us right smack dab in the middle of politics!

    My biggest fear regarding Mansbridges announcement, is who will be leading this majority government! Will his name be "Jean Chretien"?

    I am no Liberal either, and would probably have more than my hand wither off if I voted Liberal, but I have to wonder if Mr. Chretien will be the Liberals salvation. Who else could pull it off if Mr. Martin continues to slide?

    Didn't we see a similiar situation with Mr. Trudeau after he had said his good byes and all of a sudden returned to save the Liberals bacon?

    OOOOhhh... the thought just gives me shivers!!


      Let's face it - Chretien must have had some inkling that this was coming - how better to get payback against someone who had been plotting for many months to force him out?

      I don't believe for a second that Martin didn't know what was happening either - but that "river" is a pretty long one.

      What you're talking about Bombay is the stuff nightmares are made of. Better not read these posts so close to bedtime.


        Don't anybody be writing off Martin and the liberals yet. You must all have a short memory, they arre survivors, the most successful political machine in the history of canada. It may all just be a carefully laid plan to deceive us all. I wish I wasn't so cynical but have watched them spin their websd for the last three decades so am never surprised or shocked at anything they say or do. By the way for the first time in my life I am going to vote liberal, I like Martin.


          I believe the Conservatives and the NDP have a plan to paint Martin with a black brush. Had it from the day Parliment opened, with the Steamship thing?
          Now Paul surely isn't lily white by any means and his continued "I didn't know" either means he is the dumbest guy in Canada or the biggest liar...and we know he's no dumbie? He needs to come clean and then maybe we can forgive him. After all we forgave Ralph Klein for abusing the bums when he was drunk?
          And you can bet old Jean screwed him good and maybe has a few more dirty tricks waiting in the wings? I suspect Jean is a vengeful man?
          But the basic opposition message is "Same old den of thieves" and they are fairly effective at showing that? I mean how do you cook the books from $37,000 to $161 MILLION as in the Canadian Steamship deal? Or $250 million up in smoke in Quebec? Can't happen without a whole lot of people knowing about it!
          Martin tried to come across as a new deal but his actions just show it is the same old deal. No real free votes on anything important. Don't face the tough issues...just delay, dither, and more delay.
          Martin is slipping in the polls because he looks bad. He's starting to look like just another lying cheating Quebec politician manipulating the Canadian public? He needs to show us that he is different...if he is? And I hope he is different! I don't think we can afford much more of this crookedness?


            Random thoughts....the secret to Martins success boils down to his ability to show the depth of his sincerity...whether he means it or not.

            I sit on a mans back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means---except of getting off his back. Leo Tolstoy


              There was an interesting comment made by a political analyst from the university of Victoria this morning on the news. He said Martin's biggest problem is that he wants the people to "love" him, which is a far cry from what Chretien wanted. Chretien followed Machiavelli's rule that it is better to have the people fear you than love you. I guess Jean almost succeeded on that one - how closely related are fear and loathing?


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