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    News that McDonalds is considering banning the use of meat from animals over 30 months in it's products. If this becomes the norm, do cows become absolutely worthless?

    If we can't even get rid of our cull cows domestically, I think it is time we all embrace UNIVERSAL testing. Enough of this crap.

    Well I can see a Big Mac is going to get awful pricy! Maybe it will become a luxury item? Or perhaps we will have to import some more kangaroo meat from Australia?


      The latest thing from McDonalds is for the Atkin's Diet nutcases........ A Big Mac without the carbs...........

      2 all kangaroo patties, unknown sauce, lettuce, tofu cheese, salty pickles, onions on a styrofoam tray..........YEE

      just doesn't have the same ring it use to.


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