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The dead animal truck

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    The dead animal truck

    I believe it is the law that you are supposed to dispose of dead animals by either burying or getting them hauled away by the dead animal truck. Now if you relish getting just about every disease in the country just call the dead animal truck!
    I have found that burning is a very effective method, especially in the summer when the coyotes tend to turn their noses up at dead cows! In the winter I just like to "store" the animal out in a field! The coyotes do a very effective job of getting rid of her! You might want to gather up the bones come spring and bury them as it isn't much fun getting a flat tire or running a pelvis bone through the combine!
    But all and all the coyote is a very good little scavenger that keeps the country clean. I really appreciate them and never shoot them.

    It works, but it does tend to congregate the critters in one area, and when the food is plenty fun, population grows. When the pups have to be fed, and the carcasses aren't there, then they go for the live ones.


      The entire province of Manitoba is awash in coyotes. Congregating in one area isn't an issue. LOL

      I remember when we used to get the dead animal truck to come to our place. Our dog used to go nuts whenever it showed up! We don't call them any more, because they charge money to come. I think it's $50.00. Last year they refused to pick cattle up in the summer at all. They would only pick up if you had a refrigerated building to store them in! Needless to say, no one rushed out to build one.

      We bury. Luckily though, this year we haven't had bad luck death wise. When we start to, that'll be a sure sign that prices will go up! It used to be that way when we raised pigs..when the prices were good you couldn't keep them alive, and when the prices were poor, you could do no wrong..they could survive anything.


        You know I've never had a coyote kill a calf. They walk through the cows all the time, but the cows basically ignore them. Perhaps the pig barn just down the road keeps them happy, as the dead pigs are plentiful! And I've never seen the dead animal truck around there! I guess my neighbor is just another darned law breaker not doing his part to keep our environment safe? Maybe he needs some sensitivity training?


          i have lost calves to coyotes but we don't have pigs in the vacinity. lost a good dog to coyotes as well. shot two out of the feedbunk a couple years ago. as far as the gut wagons go, it is legal to let the carcass go to scavengers under the guidelines of our illustrious govt. See: Livestock Mortality Management(disposal). it can be found on ropin the web and outlines all the guidelines. scavenging is allowed under proper conditions which most of us would meet.


            One summer night I actually heard one of our donkeys nail a coyote right in the yard. It ran howling across the field.

            Now they sit across the road and howl. Needless to say, we haven't lost any calves either. (Although several neighbours have lost cattle harrassing dogs..but not to coyotes if you know what I mean)


              A couple of years ago this acreage owner had a big dumb white mutt that was chasing a bunch of my calves. The neighbor spotted it happening and shot him with his shot gun...not killing him but chewed up his butt pretty bad!
              About a week later this acreage guy was telling how bad the coyotes were, as they had really chewed up his dogs ass!
              It was pretty hard to not laugh as I commiserated with him how scandulous it was that the government had let the coyote population get out of hand! This moron even phoned the county and wanted them to get the Government trapper out to clean up the coyotes!...they didn't.


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