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More on U.S. Australia Free Trade

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    More on U.S. Australia Free Trade

    Got this clip from AnimalNet this morning.
    Australia reaches free-trade accord with U.S.
    February 10, 2004

    The Bush administration reached a free-trade agreement over the weekend with Australia, one of the world's biggest producers of beef. However, the deal temporarily protects the U.S. beef industry from Australian competition.
    The administration agreed to phase out the U.S. quota on Australian beef over 18 years, but the slow increase in imports won't start for at least three years or until U.S. beef exports recover from the recent mad cow scare.
    Australia is now allowed to export 378,000 metric tons of beef annually to the United States. Under the new agreement, the initial increase in the quota would be about 15,000 tons.
    The U.S.-Australian agreement also provides protections to U.S. producers of dairy products and sugar.

    Well I guess we can all realize that what the US signs doesn't necessarily mean that's how it is? They have a long history of screwing their friends and neighbors?
    I mean consider that we have basically kissed their butts for the last 50 years or so and still they treat us like something to **** at will? They can't help it, it is their nature. They brainwash them too much as kids for them to ever change!


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