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UFA Selling American Feed Blocks!

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    UFA Selling American Feed Blocks!

    I was talking to a friend who is on the UFA advisory committee. It appears UFA cattle blocks are all made in the USA. This has me a little miffed. I asked at the local UFA and they said no there blocks are made in Alberta. I then talked to my local feed guy and was told to look at the lable and it would tell me where it was made. Guess what they are American blocks. The local feed guy says there are 3 major cattle block plants in Alberta owned by Alberta companies.

    Why would UFA bring up American product, if we have Alberta companies that can do it. What the heck. I always thought I was going to United Farmers of Alberta not the United Famers of America.

    I check the local Co-op there blocks are made in Alberta. I know where I will take my money now.

    If NAFTA was working there wouldn't really be a problem buying feed blocks made in America. They would be buying our cattle and grain and would have every right to compete for our feed market.
    However when they play these "trade" games it is our duty to not buy their products. I hope you let the UFA manager know you were not impressed?
    UFA has morphed into a rather poor supplier. There was a time when they were very competitive but now they have just about the highest prices around. I seldom buy anything from them if possible. My local co-op beats them hands down for price and service on all livestock supplies and for tools/hardware Peavy Mart leaves them in the dust!


      In normal times you are right, buy from whoever you want. I simply amazes me UFA would buy products made in country that will not take the finished product from us. It is hard to not buy American made products in agriculture in Canada. But it does not mean you can not look around and or be informed.


        Selling American blocks is not a problem with me. Having and American block company make blocks for an Alberta based, owned and operated, when there are Canadian alternatives steams me.

        Prostock blocks made in America sold to us by United Farmers of America. Sorry that was suppoed to Alberta.


          What are those blocks made of. Are they containing animal proteins from birds, beef, fishes, etc. I am trying to get more information about their content which is not that easy. It is a company secret.


            As I understand it the list of ingredients are availble from all feed suppliers in Canada and down south. One story I read about feed manufacturing in the US is compliance to rules less stringently enforced then Canada. The governmnet in Canada visits feed mills. In the states it seems it is more voluntary.


              What happened to the company in Morinville Alberta that use to make a big protein block. And wasn't there another in Rockyford? I think that was the one that Co-op Feeds use to source their big blocks (and little ones) from a number of years ago?


                Cowman and Rain need to lead by example, make decisions based on science not politics or personal beliefs. Not buying American made beef tubs is not going to open the border sooner, it will only delay it if anything. Does cowman or rain use vaccines, dewormers or eartags, do you feed your cows with tractors or pickups have a look at where all of these products are made. It won't be Canada.They might be distributed in Canada by a Canadian division but made elsewhere. Also the ingredients in the Canadian made feed tubs mostly come from the US and Europe they are only blended here in Canada, at least that is what my nutritionist told me.It sounds like Rain and Cowman own shares in a Canadian feed mill. UFA is still my store of choice.


                  Well longhorn you may be spending too much time with the cows. Nothing worse then the uninformed with an opinion! Canada is not the mouse living with the elephant that a lot of people think. Longhorn you have a choice and so do I. If I see Mexican red peppers I will buy them over American. I tell the clerk at the store as well.

                  Some Canadian blocks are made with up to 80% Canadian ingredients. The guy making the Canadian block is probably eating Canadian beef. Where would you want you money to go longhorn?

                  Maybe your one of those, who wishes I was a yank kind of guy. If so there is lots of land available south of the 49.


                    Hey longhorn are you an employee of UFA (United Farmers of America)?


                      I am just a Canadian producer looking at the big picture the North American Ag. industrie as a whole as it should be. I am not an employee of UFA and have never been, though I think they are a great employer. By the way you seem very passionate about blocks, you seem to be very informed or unimformed about blocks, I have used blocks for 25 years and most have been Canadian blocks with US and Europeon ingredients as the protein source which makes up more than 20% of the formula.


                        Your earlier statement "Also the ingredients in the Canadian made feed tubs mostly come from the US and Europe" Your last statement is 20%. Is 20% most. As far as I can see you have to times 20% by 5 to het 100%. If I am not mistaken 20% is less the half. and less then 80%


                          Read more carefully, I did not contradict myself.


                            Sorry longhorn you said ingredients where mostly. Mostly to me is 51% of better. Kind of like a referendum. Over 20% to me is a long way from mostly.

                            Admit it Longhorn your a closet American. You have Stars and Stripes on your shorts and the Maple Leaf on you lapel.


                              Like Ouillett, I too would like some assurance that the protein component of these blocks is not animal based.

                              I like the Canadian blocks made at Mayerthorpe and think they work especially well for fall pasture where protein begins to come up short. I have compared the mineral componenets and they look very simialr to loose mineral mixtures appropriate for pasture. Yes, the do give you a guaranteed analysis such as protein, copper etc., but not from where they are derived from.


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