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Educating Shirley

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    ivbinconned; You might want to check the cdn dollars value against our low productivity per person in Canada. As for placing blame, I would blame ourselves if we cannot find a way to move some of the value from under 30 month animals to older culled stock, be it a tied tariff or whatever. Your country is loosing three times by this action of slaughtering your replacements. #1 is the poor value you are receiving today. #2 The value of calves you will not have from 17% of the slaughtered animals (heifers estimated).#3 As taxpayers you alone will supply the topping up of each and every farmers income and or lost expenditure in the economy. Birthing these old cows 1 or 2 more times will mask it but it is as gone as the unborn children from war. So with respect to the real cost of multinational pillaging, let us add up the total costs to Canada and Alberta.


      I have to agree with ivebinconned that practically all the blame goes back to our totally incompetent leaders. Quite frankly they gave away the store? We either have the dumbest leaders in the developed world or the biggest crooks?
      You raise an excellent point, boone, when you say that we are going to lose production due to heifer slaughter. How many people sold their heifers and kept the old cows? Maybe a good one year stratedgy but not sustainable in the long run? When cows are worth a nickel this fall and heifer calves are worth 80 cents which one will you sell?


        Alicia: How did we choose terrorism? Don't we have soldiers dying in Aghganistan?
        When America chooses to break international law and invade a sovereign country with no provocation, isn't it our duty to not participate?
        America has mostly brought this problem on itself by exploiting the people of the world to satisfy their own greed. Why do you think they are almost universally hated? Look how they treat their friends and neighbors, let alone other countries. America is not a shining example of a decent and fair country?


          Cowman--How can we expect our federal politicians to help us when all their energy is focused on :
          1- A 2 billion dollar gun registery. It takes alot of energy and thought to keep fooling the Canadian people.

          2. The Jane Stewert Billion dollar boondoggle

          3. Chretian golf course

          4. Hundreds of millions of dollars going to Quebec Companies

          5. Don Cherry
          6. Conan
          7. Bush and the Americans
          Etc Etc.
          There just can not be time to look at the real problems in this country with all the above happening


            Cowman--How can we expect our federal politicians to help us when all their energy is focused on :
            1- A 2 billion dollar gun registery. It takes alot of energy and thought to keep fooling the Canadian people.

            2. The Jane Stewert Billion dollar boondoggle

            3. Chretian golf course

            4. Hundreds of millions of dollars going to Quebec Companies

            5. Don Cherry
            6. Conan
            7. Bush and the Americans
            Etc Etc.
            There just can not be time to look at the real problems in this country with all the above happening


              Raymond: If we could just maybe get someone in who actually gave a rip about the country instead of their wallet it might help. A statesman if you will?
              It would be helpful to have a politician who looked out for the whole country instead of one or two provinces. Now Paul Martin says he is that person and I hope he is. Right now he is getting painted with a pretty black brush that really is Chretiens brush? He had to know these things were going on but what can you do? I mean he belonged to the liberal party and he basically had to go with the flow? The important thing is he needs to make some real changes and he needs to do it NOW! If he continues with business as usual, what have we gained? Might as well have kept old Jean?
              There is something drastically wrong with this country! I don't know what it is...but I do know something is really really wrong?
              We need a real leader! A man with vision and integrity! I don't know if Paul Martin is that man?


                To put what I was trying to say another way....when you live in a glass house, one should refrain from throwing stones.
                Any Americans who may have been listening to the anti American drivel that the likes of the CBC has been pumping out for decades could well assume that all of Canada views them with contempt.
                Why should they buy from us when the loudest voices they hear are the anti American elites in Toronto and Ottawa whos paychecks do not depend on exports!!
                Any American media personality could come up here and do a comedy "Talking to Canadians" and make us look like dumb hicks too.
                I don't know Boone what the productivity comparisons look like but I do know that 20 years ago Canadaian debt per capita was 3 times higher than Americans, Canadian provincial governments and industry owed US banks plenty. We went there because Canadian Banks were deaf to our wishes. Even anti US, NDP provincial governments went to New York looking for cash.
                This I believe had an impact on the value of our dollar too.


                  Listen you guys and girls..........Canada has mad cow, it's a Canadian problem, US slams border..................US has mad cow {sure blame canada, we only like trade millions of cattle between us} now it becomes a north american problem......................COME ON............Darn rights i blame the Americans....................and as far as the japps go, keep eating your cats and dogs like that restarant in Edmonton.................I can be a protectionist too................Japan can keep their sony and hondas


                    Ivebinconned: What country has always stood with the US? Gone along with just about all their ideas? Backed them up on all their trade dealings? Is it not Canada?
                    Would you be happy if the CBC was scrapped and replaced with a Fox or CNN? If you want to see blatant propaganda...
                    Do you think it is right that your friend and neighbor bullies you because you wouldn't go along with his criminal activities? Which is what the invasion of Iraq was? Who do you think is mopping up their last little "adventure" in Aghafistan? Do you think it would help if we sent some soldiers to get killed in Iraq too?
                    While it is true George Bush got his poodle Tony Blair to follow him in his slaughter of Iraq, why does that mean we need to? Were Germany and France and the rest of the world wrong when they condemned a US invasion of Iraq? How was Hitlers invasion of Poland any different than the American invasion?


                      Cowman-seeing as I have those memory lapse moments or as my wife tells me"seniors moments" , I do not recall the Polish dictator slaughtering, torturing,and humiliating any and all that opposed him and being real religious as Saddam. The Americans and British may have been wrong about weapons of mass destruction but there are probably less innocent people being hurt in Irag today than there was under Saddam. As far as the French and the Germans-who do you think was siphoning oil out of Irag? Who do you thing supplied all the "oil making and producing machinery? I do not like what the Amewricans are doing BUT I definately would not compare Bush with Hitler. That in my senior mind is way out of line.


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