You tell em raymond
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Cowman I can't believe you wrote that!
Oh yes....Canada good...U.S. bad. My point in all posts is that you should not throw stones when you live in a glass house!
Here is what David Frum recently wrote...
Are French Quebeckers a “minority” in the sense that African-Americans are a minority? Although French Quebeckers constitute only about 20% of the Canadian population, they number some 80% of the population in the country’s second-largest province — and within the borders of that province, they exert their power with the uninhibited enthusiasm of an untrammeled majority.
It is illegal to post an English-language sign in the province of Quebec. A Quebecker has held the prime ministership of Canada for all but 18 months of the past 36 years. And over those same 36 years, Quebec has received C$201 billion more from the federal Treasury than it has paid in. (Over those same years, the province of Alberta paid in $167 billion more than it received back.)…
I am not proud of the way my country runs its affairs and I get no therapy over it (like some do) by constantly bashing the Americans for protecting and defending their interests the way we wish our government would defend ours.
When did I ever say I would rather have Fox News or CNN replace the CBC. In regards to that issue all I have ever wrote is that I wish I had the choice. Instead of being told what I can watch by the CRTC and the Ottawa elites. You can not develope disernment if you are always fed from the same source.
Canada has not always supported the U.S.!Remember Cuba and the American assets that Canadian companys were able to take over free of charge in Cuba.
Is it not true that Gene Kretan has a French son in law who had lucrative bussiness dealings with Sadamm...possibly in violation of UN resolutions??
NO, we have plenty of corruption right here at home and we would be wise to straighten up out own mess before we start lecturing the Americans and G.B. on how to react to 9-11 and a dozen other attacts over the years.
Of one thing you can be sure George Bush and his staff will not be caught calling even Gene Kretan a moron.
For all you Bush bashers...
You know, it is easy to forget the 'promises' that Bill and Hillary
made while in office. It strikes home when it is listed like this:
After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six and injured
1000; President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted
down and punished.
After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military
personnel; Clinton said that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19
and injured 200 U.S. military personnel; Clinton promised that those
responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224
and injured 5,000; Clinton promised that those responsible! would be hunted
down and punished.
After! the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39
U.S. sailors; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down
and punished.
Maybe if Clinton had kept his promise, an estimated 3,000 people in New
York and Washington, D.C. that are now dead would be alive today.
And, now that Bush is taking action to bring these people to justice,
we have Democrats charging him with being a war monger...
AN INTERESTING QUESTION: This question was raised on a Philly radio
call-in show. Without casting stones, it is a legitimate question. there are two
men, both extremely wealthy. One develops relatively cheap software and gives
billions of dollars to charity. The other sponsors terrorism. That being
the case, why was it that the Clinton administration spent more money chasing down
Bill Gates over the past eight years than Osama bin Laden?
It is a strange turn of events. Hillary gets $8 Million for her
forthcoming memoir. Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoir yet to be written.
This from two people who have spent the past 8 years being unable to recall
anything about past events while under oath!
Today in Canada we have a former and current P.M. who are acting like Sargent Shultz in Hogans Hero's...
I see nothing...
I hear nothing...
I know nothing...
Maybe I should just let this one lie...however...the fact is America and Britain did attack a sovereign nation with absolutely no provocation. Violated international law? Now however you cut it that has to be a war crime? Iraq did not have WMD and not only has Hans Blix stated that(and did pre-war) America knew that but so has the American Kay. The plans for this invasion were drawn up long before 911.
The point that Saddam was a brutal dictator is not valid. There are lots of brutal dictators and America put a lot of into power...including Saddam?
Osama binladen was a CIA backed freedom fighter/terrorist. The Bin Laden family and the Bush family are old friends and business partners!
The agony of the Iraq people continues. The Americans intend to pull out in June and leave the country in utter chaos. Then the true bloodbath will begin as civil war takes over the country. In the end there will be a fundalmentalist Islamic government in place that will rule with an iron fist and a great hate for America.
So what will have been accomplished by Bushs little adventures? Aghganistan is now back in the hands of the warlords with a puppet in place in Kabul. The fields are once again full of poppies for the drug trade. Bush got rid of the Taliban so now the drug lords are back in business. Osama continues to operate and continues to kill American soldiers in Iraq.
We need to realize we can not defeat an Osama bin Laden, because he is a true believer! Not in it for the money or glory or power but because he actually believes in a religion that will not tolerate the west. We can kill him but there are several thousands ready to take his place who also are true believers? How many of us are true believers? How many of us would sacrifice our lives for a cause? Very few if any?
Oh and Raymond the propaganda Dr. Goebbels used in his justification for attacking Poland was that a brutal Polish government was repressing German Nationals and actually attacking/killing Germans! Check your history? Which I would say was very similar to the totally unfounded charge of WMD and the lie that Saddam was behind 911? Propaganda? Remember in the first Gulf war when the little Kuwaiti girl was testifying about the Iraq soldiers throwing the babies out of the incubaters? Never happened...more pure propaganda to fool the American people.
- thinks you watch to much of the left CNN, CBC, etc.
Hans Blix has no credability either. The UN would now like the US to get involved in Hati, even with out a UN resolution.
As for evidence not found, maybe there isn't any...yet. I do know that given a 6 month head start I could hide considerable evidence on my farm that they would be hard pressed to find, let alone a whole country.
The fact that the Bush's and Osama once did business together and was once supported by the U.S.has nothing to do with the fact that this relationship has changed and now has to be delt with.
What would you have him do...nothing! Like Bill Clinton ??
Getting back to my point...all politiians are corrupt...ours too. So lets stop throwing stones at their glass house when ours is just as vulnerable, there is no milage in that.
We were on the subject of beef. And canada signed onto the protocall of banning beef for 7 years from any country who had a case of BSE. So we did it to the Japanese and they are giving us some of our own medicine back.
It is the classic case of what goes around comes around.
Have a good spring!
But raymond, Dr. Goebbels said the Polish government was actually oppressing and murdering Germananic Polish citizens? The Poles attacked a border outpost(Completely false and fake setup for sure) and that was the propoganda used to invade Poland? Propaganda is used by all countries to spin it how they want it...including the US and yes even Canada! We need to read between the lines? Propoganda is what they want you to see not neccessarily reality?
Ivebinconned: I do agree with you that our government is very two faced on this whole beef issue,but I don't see why it is necessary to do all the wrong things just to get the border open? Are all our principals, values and morals to be sold for a few cents on our cattle? Why bother having a country at all? We could just let the US run us like a branch company? Why bother with a Canadian social safety net, why bother sending representatives to the world government, why have our own values?
I don't know why you would say Bill Clinton never did anything? Why he bombed somebody everytime he got caught with his pants down, including Saddam!lol
Make no mistake, I have American friends and I like Americans. I personally feel that this little election thief they have in there now is very dangerous for the whole world. You obviously feel different about it and that is your right. I suspect history will show he was worse than Nixon ever was, but we'll have to wait for that?
One of my good coffee buddies has a grandson fighting in Iraq right now. Supposed to be home by Christmas but delayed until April 1. He writes his grandfather that the people hate the American troops with an intensity that is hard to believe. He has lost five men in his battalion and the soldiers morale is very low. They just want to get the hell out of there.
As you said Cowman--complete false propaganda. My grandfather was killed in Poland when the Hitler invaded and my Grandmothers story is quite different than yours. She was there.
Oh by the way--Saddam DID torture anyone who opposed him and that is no propaganda.
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