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Sunday on Peter Warren talk radio...

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    Sunday on Peter Warren talk radio...

    The Toronto coroner who has researched the question about whether Alzheimer's Disease has been caused by tainted beef. "Dying For A Hamburger" (by Dr. Murray Waldman and Marjorie Lamb; McClelland & Stewart).

    The Doctor says yes!!!

    QR77 in Calgary. 770AM at 9A.M. Sunday
    This could be interesting?


      Any thoughts on this anyone?


        I heard this fellow on CBC several weeks earlier and kind of forget all the details. My sense of his spiel was that BSE was a serious threat. I did not have a lot of confidence in the science he used to support his claim. The bottom line, I think, is that this illustrates how fuzzy the science remains.
        Dr. Bob Church, I think now retired as head of Growth and Development Research Group and the U of Calgary Faculty of Medicine and cattleman from a long time historic cattle family, is going to write an article for Alberta Beef Magazine next month. I, for one, will be looking for it with interest.


          did the show air on Sunday, Feb 15 or are we looking at Feb 22?
          From what I have read, they suspect a rogue protein known as a prion, but there isn't a great deal that is publicly known about this protein. I would love to know more... and I would also like to know if this is really a beef threat, or if this "protein" crosses species. I have an article that states that mice are used to test the behaviour of the prion based on the fact that mice have a shorter life span, and therefore, naturally show the symptoms in months rather than years. What other species could be carriers that have not yet been identified?
          I have to wonder, at the end of the day, if BSE could be the tip of a much greater iceberg, and if that is the case, when and how do we re-evaluate how food is produced.


            The show was on feb 15, He started by saying that this prion occurs naturally one in a million. He had studied a tribe of cannibals somewhere can’t remember. The tribe would have members that showed periodic signs of some form of BSE and die. Its their custom to consume entire body, even crush bones to make some kind of bread. Anyway the continuance of the disease. He suggested we’ve come a ways by banning ruminant to ruminant feeding but its in how we process the beef we need to improve on. Since it occurs naturally, the combining of the meats from different cattle enhances the probability of infecting the whole lot. He eats beef knowing that it came from one animal. Hamburger that is commercially made from different animals he would not eat, but if the restaurant ground their own hamburger from one animal that’s okay. The book will be published in may and will according to Peter Warren will make headlines around the world. Another possible thorn in the side. We might have to test yet.


              I actually reported the wrong time on this show...it was 1PM not 9 AM. And I got busy and missed it!
              I think the idea of knowing where your beef comes from is probably a good one, but maybe not too practical? I mean you grab a Big Mac or a Wendys right? How do you know where it came from? I guess we have to hope our health officials are doing all they can and have got it right? Alzheimers has got to be one of the ugliest diseases around.


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                retrieve the audio by clicking:
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                and inserting the correct date and time (Pacific time).




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