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Question for Cowman

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    Now despite the fact my mother was a school teacher and three of my sisters are/were I am no expert on the education system. All I do know is we can't keep pouring money into the system! Where does it end? When all our tax dollars go to health care and education?
    I do know I feel a lot of empathy for these poor little souls that are born deficient or become that way. We do need to do all we can for them, help them to be all they can be sort of thing. That is our duty as human beings!
    One part of education waste as I see it is the continued desire to close down older schools and build these expensive monstrosities! Another thing could be the large amounts of money wasted on administration?
    Perhaps in this day and age we could do away with a lot of the expensive infrastructure if we had a large portion of the kids learning over the internet? Whether in school or at home? Then instead of a high priced teacher, teaching 25 kids we could have one teacher teaching thousands of kids! Maybe with an $6/hr. Mexican with a club to keep discipline? lol


      I think you've hit the nail on the head, cowman. If we did away with a few of the bureaucratic layers in the education system i.e. anyone not in the actual classroom teaching, we might save bundles of money every year.

      I agree that we have a duty to ensure that the education is there for all in the formative years - whatever that instruction may look like.

      Where I also hear of waste is that schools get paid based on the diversity of the classes that they teach and the options that are available to students. That might mean that there are classes with only 10 to 12 enrolled in them. Is it worth it to keep those classes going so that the school can bring in more money that way? I don't know what the answer is because when many of us went to school the only options we had were home economics or shop and when I was in about grade 9 they brought in the "hunter training" course. I wanted to take the hunter training instead of home economics because I was getting taught all of that stuff at home by my mother, and they wouldn't let me do it because that would have meant that they would have needed female chaperones and there was no way they were going to do that. Times sure have changed.


        I believe that there is money. over 1 billon was swindaled into Quebec, that would of went along way.
        What makes me more sick also is that a little girl was choked to unconchness on a school bus and I'll just bet and the kid that did it will never be found. The little girl was 4 yrs old what could she have possibly do to make some one do this. The oldest kids on the bus was 11 yrs old. They all got off the bus and didn't say a word, she was found later, but it was to late.
        The state of the world just scares me to death, I just can't imagine living in a world when these kids grow up and start to run the country. No common sence, No discipline, They think they know every thing, and if its not written down in a book, then its wrong. They will not believe any thing you tell them. Have we talked to much, has this left the kids with know feeling of diggnety and self respected to each other and of others.


          You have to remember that this next generation of kids has grown up on colour TV, computers and a host of drugs that the world has never seen before, i.e. crystal meth. It all amounts to one screwed up bunch coming into the woodworks.


            Alicia: When things happen like that little girl it just leaves me sick to my stomach. I can't begin to imagine how her parents must feel.
            Kids can be pretty cruel and vicious and I doubt there is any solution to that. These are dangerous times we live in.


              Today the MD of Bonnyville passed a motion to support the county of Red Deers resolution to scrap the education taxes on farm land during the BSE crisis! Small victory, but a victory!


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