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Alberta buys test

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    Alberta buys test

    Bio-Rad test selected by Canadian province
    Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc. of Hercules has landed a deal with Alberta, Canada, to provide the province with its automated test for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, or mad cow disease, for use in its enhanced BSE surveillance program. Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

    Alberta is the largest beef producing and finishing province in Canada, and its federally regulated beef industry processed 2.1 million head of cattle, or 68 percent of the Canadian total, in 2003, according to Bio-Rad.

    Bio-Rad's automated Transmissible Spongiform Enecephalopathy product tests for BSE in cattle, chronic wasting disease in deer and elk and Scrapie in sheep and goats. It runs on an automated robotics platform that speeds sample preparation, enabling laboratories to provide results in four hours, according to the company.

    Now lets use it!


      No No kato, we don't want them to use it! Unless we go to a universal test it is the worst thing possible. We will find more BSE cows and the border will never open!
      When you go into a smoke and mirrors mode, as we presently are doing in North America, you can't be testing! Thus we no longer accept downer cows and probably most of the tests will now be done on veal calves! That way no surprizes, right?
      But yes it is necessary to announce that we have bought the test kits. Even though it was a very small number probably...after all if they are going to sit on the shelf anyway no sense putting out a lot of money?


        Yes, I guess you're right.

        Actually, one of the reasons I think this border thing will clear up sooner rather than later is that both Canada and the U.S. want new rules solidly in place in case another cow shows up. Mexico probably does too, though they aren't saying much.


          Where can I find the actual cost of testing for BSE? My ABP rep is telling me that each test will cost us $300. I need solid facts!


            Here is a good articlehttp://www.canadianbusiness.com/features/article.jsp?content=20040216_58465_58465 The abp does not know, they do not want to test because the usa will have to.


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