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    Did you know...?

    Canada continues to import beef! In 2003, Canada imported 107,434 metric tones of beef. Due to Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ), Canada is obligated to import 76,409 MT per year or pay penalties. (Source: Ontario Cattlemen's Association)
    In the 1980’s, both Canada and the US imported cattle from Great Britain, Where did it go?

    United States:

    The US department of Agriculture says that between 1980 and 1989, the United States imported 334 cattle from Britain Of those, says the USDA, 161 were disposed of in a manner that eliminated the possibility they could have contaminated either the food or feed supplies. The USDA have been unable to track down the other 173 cows


    Between 1982 and 1190, Canada imported 182 cows from Britain. According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 59 were slaughtered, nine died and were rendered, one was buried and 76 were tracked down, euphemized and incinerated. The other 37 were exported. (Source: Organic Consumers Association)
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