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Gut Feeling

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    Gut Feeling

    Hope its not the flu! but I’ve been surfing other sites last couple of nights and been noticing more chat on an opened border lately. Although there is still negativity towards opening border, it seems to be shifting as they are realizing that other countries will not open theirs until this happens. Also at the sale this past week prices came up a bit and buyer’s were noticeably more interested. I don’t want to get hopes up but does anyone also feel this way? Or is this just a mirage like you would see in a desert or something! Hmmmm

    Magpie - I feel the same way. I was surfing the Japan news papers last night trying to get a feeling whats happing there. They are out of beef and the gov't has some sort of support program in place for the restaurants who can't get beef to complete their menus. The restaurant customers are saying they would trust buying Canadian but not American beef and want their gov't to start importing Canadian beef. Also we have family in the USA and they are saying the public there are getting upset at paying such high prices for beef. So my feeling is if the consumers are unhappy it won't be long before someone takes some action. Also here in the Lethbridge area the prices went up alittle at the last auction.


      Is it just a coincidence that cattle prices in the States are getting stronger?

      According to www.agcenter.com/cattlereport.asp optimism has returned to their market this week. The feeling is they will be exporting to Mexico within a couple of weeks.

      The other day, I read that American access to Mexico is being affected by the way the Americans are treating Canadian cattle. I wonder if our border is tied to the opening of Mexico to the States.



        I just sent this e-mail to Lou Dobbs on CNN. He always reads some of these on his program???

        Last night on your segment about the banning of U.S. beef by other countries, one of your guests said that a temporary ban (because of BSE) was fair enough, but then he protested the fact that some countries where unfairly extending the ban, beyond reason! And now should be considered "trade action"!

        This was a hypocritical comment and position to take in light of the fact that the U.S. has banned Canadian BEEF since May 20th, 2003. Causing tremendous hardship in Western Canada, where pro American sentiment has traditionally been high.

        This is truly way beyond reason!


        Lou Dobbs seems to me to be a reasonable person. I would urge all of us to flood his e-mail with messages with regards to this situation.



          URL for comments to Lou Dobbs


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