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Eatting at Subway

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    Eatting at Subway

    On the raido the other day they said that Subway was no longer making beef subs. This was due to the fact that all of their beef came in from the States and that they had run out and could no longer get any sent in. Is our beef so bad that they will lose sales before serving it?

    Now I know why I never eat at subway.


      I can't believe that ANY restaurant chain would be dumb enough to publicize a policy like that in this country. Especially after all the support the Cdn. public gave us in their buying habits. This is something that should be publicized by their competition as being anti-Canadian, and they should be LOUDLY boycotted!!


        Co worker went for lunch, no steak for subs because it comes from the USA!!! American company USA cows.


          I made a point to ask if their beef was canadian and they answered oh yes. Bunch of liars, I am furious and will never eat there again.


            I sent a question to Subway.com and received the reply posted below. I read the answer as throughout North American there is no way to differentiate between Canadian and American beef, so the Subway beef could quite possibily be Canadian beef that was shipped to the U.S., processed and sent back. More likely it is U.S. beef. Along the same lines, it is quite likely that some "Canadian" beef served in Canada is really American beef that was stamped product of Canada and processed here. It boils down to the Country of Orign Labelling issue and are we in a North American market or is each country going to identify their product and compete country against country.

            Begin of reply:

            With reference to your question; "Does Subway serve beef that came from the United States in its Canadian stores"

            Subway uses Canadian beef in all its Canadian stores. The problem is that it is processed in the States and then sent back to Canada. Canadian customs will not allow the beef back into Canada as there is no way to identify that the beef returning in the same which was sent to the States.

            Hopefully we will be over this problem soon and back to serving steak in our stores.

            Egil Lomeland


              That is the most ridiculous answer I've ever heard! Are there NO packing plants in Canada? Where is all the beef being consumed in this country coming from then? Australia? They could at least get their story straight before they answer. That was just a snowjob trying to cover the fact that a CDN company is NOT supporting the CDN beef industry! What a joke!


                I agree .........all subway has to do is put in an order with a canadian processing plant and voila, beef all around


                  I ate at a subway in Regina today March 3/04 had a lovely ROAST BEEF sub.


                    Yeah, but did you ask where the beef was from?


                      Yeah Muttley! While you were munching on that roast beef, did you get the sudden uncontrolable urge to hum the star spangled banner???!!


                        I have no problem eating American beef. Just came back from the states and enjoyed all my meals there as well.

                        One thing to think about is, when you eat American or Canadian beef it is reasonable to believe that it was born in Canada, the money for it was kept in Canada, the auction that sold it was in Canada. The girl over the counter at Subway was Canadian and was payed in Canadian funds. The owner of the business is from Canada and pays taxes, owns a home, could even be putting his kids through a Canadian college.

                        So think about it while in Canada to boycout a Canadian business no matter where the beef or other products come from, who do we really hurt!!!

                        Don't get me wrong I'm ticked off over the border as well but don't take it out with the ones back at home who make a living selling beef that they have no control over where it comes from!!!


                          While I do like to support my local farmers I don't get bent out of shape about where a sandwich comes from. I will admit I wouldn't eat it if it came from Australia but I have no real problem with American beef. Same beef as here. Someday all this border garbage will be gone.


                            Muttley, I agree with you when the US border is open to Canadian cattle as it is a N.American industry. The double standard as it exists now doesn't sit well with me.

                            What about M&M Meat Shoppes? Canadian franchise owners and Canadian employees all selling 100% Kiwi and Aussie beef?

                            I will not set foot in an M&M store!


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