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Tired of Finger Pointing

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    Tired of Finger Pointing

    Seems everybody is looking at who's getting all the money these days. Feedlots or Packers? This is a major concern. But it will not solve the problems. It was a given who would benefit from this crisis from the beginning. I lay odds on packing plats, Why? they have control on their product. If we are going to solve producer financial problems, it is not going to be with government handouts. It is a problem not just today, but also for the future, which has to be addressed. Looking at the cattle industry today is like waiting for a bloated cow to die. Our so called CCA increasing check offs to do what? Advertise how good beef is, for packing plants and retailers. I always though if you had a product, you advertised it yourself. I think the millions we have spent on ads, could have gone to finding out how we could have control on our product and price! To make a long story short, all cattle producers have to do is look at the last remaining viable agricultural commondity, MILK. This inducstry is linked to the cost of production. What a concept!!!!!!

    Yes! I agree that it is a novel concept.


      Well we had the chance for supply management under Eugene Whelan and we never took it. It would be impossible, under the NAFTA to set up Supply management for beef now.
      I've always wondered about the huge amounts of money wasted on beef ads myself. I mean who benifits most? The cow/calf guy or IBP/Cargill or maybe Safeway? The packers are taking all the heat right now for gouging but I suspect Safeway/Sobeys are just as guilty?
      But having said all that, remember that the ABP is "democratically" elected! And when we got to vote on the initial increase in the checkoff from $1 to $2, only 12% of eligible voters bothered to vote! So slightly over 6% of producers decided to increase the checkoff! I suspect the ABP delegate elections draw about 2% voter participation? So the 2% call the shots and can be bought very easily by their pals?


        It's called supply management. The timing is perfect since we can't export the bulk of our beef- for whatever reason. The problem is: first we all have to agree that it's time. Can you see that happening? Then, the gov't has to come onside. Won't happen. Massive de-population and quotas. However, the system would ensure a fair return for the most efficient producers. Well heck, if the producer can make a living at it, the system must be a ripoff of the consumer. Also, the rest of the supply chain would never stand for being told what they have to buy and sell product for. Never mind that they would be guaranteed a profit margin for efficiency. They wouldn't have a chance to gouge the rest of the system. Some would say that the whole system smacks of communism! Can you imagine? A beef farmer making a profit? Folks, unless, as an industry, we can decide what we want, that chain is going to continue to be jerked forever. Look how long they've fobbed us off already. They're really hoping some bit of border-opening will occur and then they can just pretend that we're alright again and CAIS will be our salvation. Here, have a crumb or two and behave yourselves. Is this what we deserve?


          Cowman: I hear you, but I go to those meetings like clocwork and they're even set up so that anyone with a different opinion won't get anywhere. Plus the feedlot guys mostly control everything, at least in our area. They have an even split of reps who are feedlot or cow/calf, except most of the guys calling themselves cow/calf are feedlot guys with some cows too. When the $3 checkoff was voted on, at our meeting we tried to push for a producer-wide mail-in vote. But do you think they would have any of that? Not likely! They gave every excuse in the book - too expensive, poor response, didn't work in the past, etc.

          Farmboy1: Isn't that always the way? What's good for the producer is assumed to be bad for the consumer so it won't happen. Never mind that isn't the case, it just limits the rest of the chain's ability to gouge the consumer (and us) so they fight us all the way. Keep us down so we fight amongst ourselves just trying to survive, instead of working together.


            Farmboy: Under NAFTA it is not possible to set up any supply management system. The milk and poultry were "tolerated" because they were already in place. I suspect they too will disappear eventually as the Americans are bound and determined to open up Canada to their highly subsidized milk, eggs and poultry.


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